中华文明的起源、国家的产生和社会的变革(The origin of Chinese civilization, the birth of the country and the change of society).doc

中华文明的起源、国家的产生和社会的变革(The origin of Chinese civilization, the birth of the country and the change of society).doc

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中华文明的起源、国家的产生和社会的变革(The origin of Chinese civilization, the birth of the country and the change of society) Unit 1 the origin of Chinese civilization, the emergence of the country and social change (corresponding to student book page 2~4) Editor's list of topics Test Question no. Primitive man 1, 2 Primitive farming culture 3, 4, 5, 6 The legend of Yao and Shun and Yu Yan 7, 8, 19 Xia, Shang and Western Zhou Dynasty and the replacement of the enfeoffment system 9, 10, 11, 19, 20 Hegemony in the spring and Autumn period and social changes in the Warring States Period 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,, 18, 21, and 22 First, the multiple-choice question 1. (Xiangtan 2010) according to reports, found in Anhui Fanchang people are about 1 million 800 thousand years old. If this conclusion is conclusive, it can advance the history of the earliest known human beings in China A.10 million years, B.20 years C.100 million years, D.110 years Analysis: A Chinese oldest man is about 1 million 700 thousand years ago the people of Yuanmou, people can put Chinese Fanchang found the earliest known human history forward 100 thousand years. 2. (2011 Nanjing) Beijing people are typical representatives of ancient human beings, and play an important role in the history of human development. Their life dates back to () A. about four million years about one million and seven hundred thousand years B. C. about seven hundred thousand to two hundred thousand years, D., about seven thousand years Analysis: C, the subject of the Beijing people dating back to the times. The people of Beijing lived about seven hundred thousand to two hundred thousand years ago. 3. (2011 Quanzhou) if you want to investigate the site of the original inhabitants of northern China, the earliest planting of millet sites, should go to () A. Yunnan, Yuanmou, B., Beijing, Zhoukoudian C. Shaanxi, Xi'an, D., Zhejiang, Yuyao Analysis: C is the primeval residents eat millet grain crops, the primeval residents site is found in Shaanxi X


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