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英语 返回 谢谢观看 标题字体为:方正古隶简体 教程在最后一页哦。 * 第二部分 话题专项训练  话题十五 科普知识与现代技术、通信 2021年最新《中考备战》 01 话 题 教 材 梳 理 02 话 题 综 合 练 习 目录导航 话 题 教 材 梳 理 温馨提示:请完成单独成册的《教材梳理话题写作》、《教材话题组块复习》话题十五的内容。 话 题 综 合 练 习 一、完形填空 ( )1.A.invent B.includeC.increase D.improve ( )2.A.kill B.treat C.cause D.notice ( )3.A.chances B.changes C.directions D.instructions ( )4.A.preparations B.suggestions C.situations D.conditions B C A B ( )5.A.give up B.give in C.give away D.give out ( )6.A.take it away B.take it out C.take it off D.take it easy ( )7.A.lower B.safer C.farther D.higher ( )8.A.hold B.throw C.take D.hide D C B A ( )9.A.prevent B.realize C.mean D.keep ( )10.A.serious B.private C.rapid D.strong C D ( )1.The underlined word “review” in the first paragraph means “ ________ ”in Chinese. A.复习所学的知识 B.看录像回眸 C.发表意见 D.帮助人们思考 二、阅读理解 A B ( )2.VAR cannot make a decision of ________. A.winner of the game B.awarding goals C.penalty decisions D.red card decisions ( )3.Which sentence can be put in the blank at the beginning of the third paragraph? A.What does VAR stand for B.Why is VAE used in FIFA C.How does VAR work D.Who is the owner of VAR A C ( )4.While VAR is on duty, it ________. A.watches the game on pitch B.can replace the on-pitch referee C.works by himself D.has to wear full kit D ( )5.From the last paragraph, we can infer that ________. A.VAR made its first appearance in Russia FIFA B.VAR has been used in many other competitions C.VAR will be widely used in different competitions D.VAR was introduced by German to Italy and the USA B ( )6.In which year did the scientists begin their research into the cloned macaques? A.1997. B.2017. C.2018. D.2014. ( )7.What does the underlined expression “a green thumb” in the sixth paragraph mean? A.很多经验 B.少数能力 C.很小帮助 D.足够信心 B D A ( )8.Wh


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