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2018-2019湖北省武汉市随县第二中学高二英语月考试题 一、 单项选择 1. The old woman's daughter died and she was in great ________. A. ache? B. aches C. pain? D. pains 参考答案: C in great pain“处于极大的痛苦中”;pains“努力;辛苦”。ache不用于指人精神上的痛苦。 2. Xi’an was ?????????starting point of ??????world – famous Silk Road. ?????? A./; /????????????????????? B.a; a???????????????????? C.the; /?????????????????? D.the; the 参考答案: D 3. ----Many thanks for lending me a hand with my English.??? ---- _________. Which of the following is not the proper response? ?? A. Don’t mention it???????? B. Forget it?????????????????? C. Not at all????????? D. You’re welcome. 参考答案: B 4. His uncle went abroad in 2010, and __________ since. A. had not been heard of????? B. has not been heard of? C. had not heard of????????? D. has not heard of 参考答案: B 略 5. In 2011, the ????? produced 68, 000 tons of beer, bringing about 120 million yuan of sales income and 54 million yuan of tax profit. A. conservation B. administration C. corporation D. permission 参考答案: C 略 6. People living on this island depend on tourism, _____ development there won’t be much work.? A. without its? ?????? B. without whose?? ?????? C. by which??? D. without which 参考答案: B? 7. — Mom. I’m still coughing badly. — Blame yourself. You would be much better now if you ________ my advice. A. did take B. had taken C. should take D. took 参考答案: B 8. You cannot be______ careful when driving a car. ?? A. much????????? B. very?? C. too?? D. / 参考答案: C 略 9. Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs _____. A. some ?????????????????????????????????????? B. less ???????????????????????????????? C. much ???????????????????????????? D. more 参考答案: D。形容词考点。比较级,根据句意即刻判断。 10. ---Go now? --- It's too late; tomorrow will be a _________time for you to visit them. A. better?????????? B. good????????? C. best????????? D. more 参考答案: A 解析:形容词比较级的考点。明天(比现在)是一个比较好的访问他们的时间。 11. Was it in the bookstore ??????stands? next to? No.6 Middle School ______ you found h


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