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深基坑的基坑支护施工技术 作者:黄爱春 摘 要 近年来,中国的建筑发展正在高歌猛进,各省市的建筑就像是雨后春笋一般拔地而 起,成为中国的建筑和经济发展一大奇迹,中国大型建筑的层出不穷,代表了一个城市 的文化,其投入的人力、物力、财力方面都是非常惊人的。 中国的建筑具有悠久的历史,随着中国经济的快速发展,我国建筑水平正在飞速发 展,建筑正在向高空和地下发展,交通设施的立体化发展,建筑工程中的深基坑的支护 工程已经成为近年来的一大技术特点,随着深基坑开挖工程的增多,深基坑支护技术已 经有了很大的发展。 无论是古代风格的建筑,还是现代化的建筑,都要强调安全、实用,同样还需要与 建筑艺术结合,所以现代化建筑工程中的安全问题就要充分重视,在建筑之前就需要进 行详细的勘察,最突出的问题就是建筑工程中深基坑的基坑支护施工技术,如果处理得 不好,不仅会导致建筑物不美观,而且可能导致出现安全问题和渗漏,这是建筑质量所 不允许的,所以我们要重视深基坑的基坑支护施工技术。 关键词:中国建筑;深基坑;基坑支护;施工技术 i Abstract In recent years, China 's construction and development are stride forward singing militant songs, various provinces and cities like bamboo shoots after a spring rain general building unpluggingly and case, become China's construction and economic development of a big miracle, China's large-scale construction of the emerge in an endless stream, representing a city 's culture, its investment in manpower, material resources, financial aspects are very striking. Chinese architecture has a long history, with the rapid development of Chinese economy, China's construction is developing rapidly, building is to the aerial and underground development, transport facilities of the three-dimensional development, construction of deep foundation pit engineering has become in recent years a major technical features, along with the excavation of deep foundation pit engineering increase, deep foundation pit support technology has been developed greatly. Whether ancient or modern style building, construction, want to emphasize safety, utility, also need and architectural art, so the modernization construction safety problems should be paid attention to in building, before they req


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