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PAGE1 / NUMPAGES1 2017高考英语祝贺信Congratulatory Letter书面表达写作 xx 祝贺信是社交中的一种礼仪性信函。通常包括以下几个方面的内容:说明祝贺事由,表达热烈、诚挚的祝贺;围绕祝贺事件表述贺喜内容;表达美好祝福。 写作"三步走": 说明事由并表达自己衷心的祝贺->展开评论事件、赞扬收信人->再次表达良好祝愿 在写作主要内容的时候,可以重点赞扬一下当事人的优秀能力和取得成就的原因、并展望他将来的美好发展前景等。 Tips in English Here are some principles that congratulatory letters follow: 1. The purpose of writing the letter is to make your reader feel certain that he or she deservesthe special message of recognition and praise. 2. The note should be brief, dealing with the primary topic only. These messages are mosteffective when they conduct no business. 3. The whole message should carry a tone of being positive and conversational(会谈的,谈话的). 4.Besuretosendtheletterwithinafewdaysoftheevent.Anydelayindeliveryofthemessage would make your effort worse than no effort at all. 开头常用句式 It was exciting news for me to learn of … Please accept my sincere/hearty/warm congratulations on … It was a great pleasure to send you my congratulations on … I was delighted to learn of your success /achievements in … I am really happy to learn that you have been elected… 结尾常用句式 Wish you good luck! We wish to share your honor and joy. I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead. May all go wonderfully in your new post! May every happiness be yours! All my best wishes for an even more prosperous future/successful career! May each succeeding year bring you great happiness and prosperity. Every good wish to you for much health, happiness, and prosperity! 闪光词汇及词组: delighted: adj.高兴的,欣喜的achievement: n.成就,功绩 essential:本质的,基本的,重要的play a ... role:起的作用 enhance: v.提高,增强comprehensive: adj.全面的 embrace: v.拥抱pave the way for:为...铺平道路 brilliant: adj.灿烂的 书面表达xx写作模版xx 模板1:Dear_____________, Congratulations on your_______. I know how hard you have been working and I amvery proud of you for your achievement. I understand for sure that it is your hard work / your excellent ability that leads you to thecurrent success. This new position, on the other hand, adds a new dimension to you



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