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人教最新版英语口语记忆顺口溜(八下11);清洁日有两星期。 Clean-Up Day is two weeks. 她帮助孩子们学习阅读。 She helps kids learn to read. ;嗯,它是很干净。 Yes, well, it’s clean. 但不是“妈妈所要的洁净”! But it’s not “mother clean”! ;你需要多少? How much do you need? 请买些饮料与快餐。 Buy some drinks and snacks, please.;你可以带他去逛街。 You can take him to the street. 所以我得不到足够的睡眠。 So I don’t get enough sleep. ;边等边看! Wait and see! 没什么大不了的。 It’s not a big deal.;有空就参加体育运动。 I’ll play sports if I’m free. 禁止往海洋里倒垃圾。 Stop putting rubbish into the sea. ;美猴王一直为帮助弱者与邪恶斗争。 The Monkey keeps fighting to help the weak. 他乐于帮助弱者。 He is ready to help the weak. ;正如你所看到的, As you can see, 决不放弃实现我们梦想的尝试。 never give up trying to achieve our dreams.;熊猫幼崽不可能看见了。 A baby panda cannot see. 大熊猫找不到足够吃得东西。 Pandas can’t find enough to eat.;鱼生活在海洋里。 Fishes live in the sea. 人类为鲸鱼肉而捕杀它们。 Humans catch whales for meat. ;上交期限在两周之内。 It is due to in two weeks. 生活中最美好的东西是免费的。 The best things in life are free.;我刚刚喝了些茶。 I’ve just drunk some tea. 不了,谢谢。/想喝,请。 No, thanks./Yes, please. ;我爷爷爱喝茶。 My grandpa loves drinking tea. 你可能找不到好吃的东西。 You can’t find anything good to eat.;把这些赠送给需要的人。 Give these away to people in need. 自从他三岁以来就吃饭。 He has eaten since he was three. ;过去的生活多么艰难! How hard things used to be! 他在街上正散步。 He was walking on the street.;他终于睡着了。 He finally fell asleep. 他什么时候走的? When did he leave? ;正当我在植树的同时, While I was planting trees, 他正在酣睡。 he was falling asleep. ;我听说你丢了钥匙。 I heard you lost your keys. 上周她上法语课。 She had French classes last week.;Good habits achieve beautiful life. Try to be your best.



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