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话题十节假日活动 (Festivals, holidays and celebrati ons) 中考模拟? 演练 I .完形填空 Mr.Lee was in bed whe n he heard the bell rin g.He turned on the __1__ and looked at his clock .It was twelve o'clock. “ __2__ can it be at this time of ni ght? That is该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠 very __3__. ” he thought.Then he got up, put on his dressing gown( 浴袍)and went to该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠 the door.When he opened the door, there was __4__ there.So he went back to his bedroom, __5__ his dress ing gow n, got back into bed, turned __6__ the light_ and tried to go to sleep.该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠 A few minu tes later he heard the bell ring __7__.Mr.Lee jumped out of bed very quickly and __8__ to the door.He opened it , __9__ again he found no one there.He closed the door and tried n ot to feel __10__.Then he saw a piece of __11__ on the floor.He picked it up.There were some _12 on it : "It is now _13_ midnight, so it is April该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠 Fool's Day( 愚人节).April fool to you !” “ Oh, it was the English boy next door!” Mr.Lee 14__.He went back to bed and该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠 fell __15 at on ce.The bell did not ring aga in.该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠 (C)1.A.TV (B)2 .A. Which B B . phone Who C C . light D . door What D . Whom (C)3.A.terrible B .terrific C .stra nge D .horrible (A)4.A.n obody B somebody C . anybody D .none (B)5.A.put on B .took off C . took up D .took on (D)6.A.o n B .in C .up D - off (C)7.A.twice B .n ext C .aga in 【 D .ever (C)8.A.da need B .smiled C .rushed D .cried (A)9.A.but B .and C .though D .if (D)10. A.surprised B .happy C .afraid D an gry (C)11.A.letter B .card C .paper D book (A)12.A.words B .pictures C .passages D parts (B)13.A.before B .after C .in D .on (D)14.A.cried B .jumped C . clapped D smiled (B) 15. A.excited B .asleep C . helpless D .mea ningful 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了李先生在愚人节的经历。 【答案精析】 C 考查名词辨析。TV"电视”;phone "电话”;light "电灯”;door "门"。由该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠 空后的"and looked at his clock ”和第一段最后一句"...turned ... the light and tried to go to sleep. ”可知此处指开灯去看时间。故选 C。


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