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实用文档系列 文档编号:YL-SY-95769 第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 最新雅思口语Part2范文:Describeaninterestingneighbour   you should say:   Who this person is   How you know this person   What this person likes to do   And explain why you think this neighbor is interesting   雅思名师雅思口语高分范文:   Id like to talk about a peculiarly interesting neighbor of mine who has lived across the street for more than ten years. We call him Uncle Bean His family name is Xiong, which means “bear” in Chinese. 1 still remembered the first time I met him when I was just 5 years old. He was in thirties, and looked so gigantic with his thick and muscular arms, well, just like a fierce bean I felt a little bit scared and hided myself behind my mother when he forwardly greet us. Then he gave me a tiny cat made of wood. Here you are,he said, if you want a dog91 can also make it for you. I found he seemed not to be so terrible when smiling to me in a soft voice, which was really different from his rugged look. And the little cat was so cute and lifelike that I couldn’t help refusing it So I ignored his rough appearance and gradually admired him. Actually, he is a P.E. teacher in the primary school instead of carpenter, but he is able to make different kinds of wooden toys, like various animals, cars, castles and even figure sculptures. Children like him so much and beg him for these little toys, and he never says no. He likes to stay with children, make toys for them and tell them some interesting stories. But when he talks with adults, it is pretty funny that he stammers badly. You cannot imagine that such a big guy behaves like a shy boy. He is the most interesting man Pve ever seen who is so different between his internal and external character. And I like Uncle Bear because he has a gentle and calm disposition under his leathery exterior   雅思口语-A Neighbor You Helped   Describe a neighbor you helped.   You know that I live in school dormitory so most


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