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感谢信英语作文父母带翻译 常怀感恩的心,感恩父母,感谢他们给予了我们生命,感谢他们给予了我们人间最浓的亲情和最深的挂念,下面是为大家的感谢信英语作文父母带翻译,希望对大家有帮助。 Today is Thanksgiving Day. Is mom and dad with tea to drink before, if it is me tea are mom and dad told me to go to blunt I didn't go to rush. this evening, have a meal, i eat a little faster. ha! ha! finished! i will take the advantage of mom and dad to eat a little time to tea. grandma said: "ah, dong jun what are you doing?" grandma said i was panic! because i was afraid of mom and dad heard to grandma said: "ah, dong jun what are you doing?" this sentence will came running to see mom and dad. then, i quietly and worried of say: "don't speak at all. i can't finish homework!" tea is very simple, the method: "first put a little tea in the cup, then add hot water. the tea was finished," rush after good tea, i'll put the tea into the room of mom and dad said: "mom and dad, happy thanksgiving!" 今天,是感恩节。以前都是爸爸妈妈冲茶喝的,如果是我冲茶都是要爸爸妈妈叫我去冲我才去冲的。 今天晚上,吃饭了,我就吃快一点饭。哈!吃完了!我就趁爸爸妈妈吃饭的一点时间来冲茶。奶奶说:“哎,东钧你在搞什么呀?”奶奶一说我就慌了!因为我怕爸爸妈妈听见到奶奶说:“哎,东钧你在搞什么呀?”这句话爸爸妈妈就会跑过来看。于是,我就又小声又着急的说:“不要在讲了!再讲我就完成不了作业了!”冲茶很简单,方法:“先放一点茶叶进去杯子里面,然后在加上热水。冲茶就完成了,”冲好了茶之后,我就把茶乘进爸爸妈妈的房间说:“爸爸妈妈,感恩节快乐!” Thanksgiving, is a kind of growth. Most of the time, we are all thanks to those who bring us gifts, and gas hate those who take away the good things in our life. We bring us things, called the friend. Put away our things, called the robber. To leave us, and we have missed, there are helpless, have forgotten, have resentment. More time, we have forgotten, but seldom go to appreciate. Sometimes, one's life, can leave deep marks in your life, really not much. In the fast lane of life, good, bad don't e, good, bad not to go. Few people, and then go to things, for many years ago to do a very formal precipitation. Alumni already yellowed. Old photos, already lost after east to move west. A lot of people, a lot of things, there will be no weight. And can be engra


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