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实用文档系列 文档编号:YL-SY-50632 第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 雅思口语描述著名人物 首先来看袁隆平,口语中可以这样说: I’d like to talk about Yuan Longping, a Chinese agriculture scientist and educator who developed the first hybrid rice varieties about 40 years ago, so the Chinese media sometimes calls him the Father of Hybrid Rice. As far as I know, he was born in an era of wars, so he moved with his family and attended school in many places during his childhood. He first came up with the idea of developing the hybrid rice when a series of natural disasters struck China, which caused unprecedented deaths. After years of research, his team successfully cultivated a type of hybrid rice species that had great advantages over common ones. Due to his hard work and devotion, China’s total rice output rose dramatically, which solved the biggest problem in China back then. And this hybrid rice has been grown in dozens of countries in Africa, America and Asia, which saved millions of people who suffer from famine. And right now he’s working on the research and development of genetically modified food, hoping to benefit more people. So as you can see, without him, China wouldn’t be able to feed its people in the poverty-stricken areas. When natural disaster strikes, people no longer have to starve, feeling desperate. That’s why I think his job is really important to our society. 再来看看下面这位宫崎骏先生: I’d like to talk about Hayao Miyazaki, who’s a world-renowned Japanese film director, producer, screenwriter and animator. He’s a masterful storyteller and he has attained international acclaim as a manga artist. One of his animated films Spirited Away became the first anime film to win an American Academy Award. His films often have profound themes, like humanity’s relationship with nature and technology. I think his job is really important to the society because his films inspired people in different generations. He created a magic world for both adults an


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