新时期娱乐节目主持人面临的危机与策略 4.docVIP

新时期娱乐节目主持人面临的危机与策略 4.doc

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PAGE PAGE 5 新时期娱乐节目主持人面临的危机与策略 摘要 娱乐节目主持是电视媒体最活跃和生动的表达和传播者,由于其“前台”交流活动,大众传播在反映人际关系,模仿和个人特征的大众传播方面起着重要的作用,而且优势也是对传播产生重大影响。主持人不仅体现 了节目的特点,媒体和风格,而且与观众缺乏沟通,观众直接感知和体验对象,也影响 了传播的重要因素之一。娱乐主持人是艺术交流,主持人可以被看作是加强沟通的一种方式,也是节目质量的重要标准之一。主持人可以从外部形象,个性,语言,整体感受和观众反馈等四个方面欣赏,感知和体验。娱乐的发展也体现了时代的变化,媒体的变化,媒体和通信产业的发展以及观众结构的变化和观众的需求等主持人研究,具有很强的实践性和理论内涵丰富,包括新闻,交流美学,艺术,文化,语言学,社会学和心理学等多学科领域,可以从较少研究的结果中学习,通过大量的样本和案例研究,发现规则和结论。本研究主要关注中国娱乐节目主持人的危机为研究对象,结合中国娱乐节目的发展,娱乐节目主持系统的探索,以主持和主持人沟通研究新材料,新词和新观念和适合方法,如何形成主持人和主持人发展提供实际指导,本文具有一定的理论价值和应用价值。 关键词:娱乐节目;主持人;危机 The crisis and challenges faced by the host of entertainment in the new era ARSTRACT Entertainment show host as the medium of television is the most active and most vivid manifestation and communicators, because of its "front desk" position in the communication activity, plays an important role in the mass communication, embodies the mass communication interpersonal, mimicry and personal characteristics and advantages, the spread of also play an important influence. Host not only embodies the features of the programs, media and style, also be the missing link to communicate with the audience, the audience perception and experience of the object directly, also is one of the important factors that affect communication effect. Entertainment show host is a kind of communication art, the host can be seen as a way to enhance communication effect, also is one of the important criteria of program quality. Host can from a host of external image, personality, language, integral feeling and audience feedback four aspects to appreciate, perception and experience. The evolution of entertainment also reflects the changes of the age and society, the development of media and communication industries change and the change of the structure of audience and the audience demand, etc. Host research, has strong practical and theoretical connotation is rich, involving journalism, communication studies, aesthetics,


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