twilight暮光之城的英语可作为free talk.pptxVIP

twilight暮光之城的英语可作为free talk.pptx

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predator falls for prey human falls for vampire ;;The twilight saga;The author;VS ;Meyer VS Rowling ? Same: Two housewife Become famous one night ?Style of writing: R:precise and conservative M:drastic and lively ;Role;Kristen Stewart Date of Birth :9 April 1990, Los Angeles, USA Birth Name :Kristen Stewart Biography Nickname :Kris Height :5' 6" (1.70 cm) ;Eclipse—(2010) Runaway —(2009) New Moon—(2009) Welcome to the Rileys (filming)— (2009) Adventureland (completed)— (2009) twilight—(2008) Jumper—(2008) What Just Happened? —(2008) Into the Wild —(2007) In the Land of Women — (2007) The Messengers — (2007) The Cake Eaters— (2007) Fierce People —(2005) ;;;Actress: ;Jacob Black (played by Taylor Lautner) Jacob Black is Bella‘s best friend. He is a Quileute Native American and a werewolf狼人, later revealed to be a shape-shifter as he doesn't transform on the full moon. In Twilight, Jacob plays a minor role, being a forgotten childhood friend of Bella's. In an attempt to learn more about Cullens, Bella flirts with Jacob, and he tells her tribe legends about them being "the cold ones", or vampires. ;The Cullens The cullens are all vampires吸血鬼. they all have an enhanced ability from their previous life. And they are different from other vampires ,they can control the blood lust human arouses in them. They just suck the animal blood, the “vegetable” vampires;vampires from an outside clan they are brutal vampires and have killed many humans for blood. They infiltrate the Cullen territory and head straight for Bella. ;story;Love : Bella’s choice?;Fight : who will win?;Twilight will have you dying to sink your teeth into it. New Moon will be better.;The End


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