三年级下册英语试题-Lesson 7 At the Zoo 习题练习(含答案)冀教版.doc

三年级下册英语试题-Lesson 7 At the Zoo 习题练习(含答案)冀教版.doc

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Lesson 7 一.选择题(共27小题) 1.选择出不同类的单词(  ) A.monkey B.is C.elephant 2.选择出不同类的单词(  ) A.a B.an C.the 3.The elephant has a nose.(  ) A.long B.short C.small 4.It is ___elephant.(  ) A.a B.an C./ 5.short (  ) A.高的 B.矮的 6.找出下列单词中不同类的一项(  ) A.eye B.small C.ear 7.Hi,Mr. Monkey! Do you want _______a banana?(  ) A.to eat B.eat C.eating 8.﹣Look _______the elephant. ﹣I like elephants!(  ) A.on B.at C.for 9.﹣Can it run? ﹣__.(  ) A.Yes, it can B.Yes,it can't C.No,it can't 10.﹣What animals can fly? ﹣__can fly.(  ) A.Birds B.Elephants C.birds 11.选出每组中不同类的单词(  ) A.cat B.thin C.bear 12.你想表达"这只猴子不高.它矮!",你会说:________(  ) A.The monkey is tall. It's short! B.The monkey is not tall. It's thin! C.The monkey is not tall. It's short! 13.想表达"看那只长颈鹿."应该说(  ) A.Look at a giraffe. B.Look at the giraffe. 14.I _____ a cat.(  ) A.have B.is C.has 15.The monkey has a ____ tail.(  ) A.short B.tall C.long 16.你想表达"它好高啊",你会说(  ) A.It's so funny. B.It's so tall. 17._______ so fat!(  ) A.It B.It's 18.想表达"到这儿来,孩子们!"应该说(  ) A.Come in, children! B.Come here, children! 19.选出每组中划线字母发音不同的一项(  ) A.fish B.kite C.five 20.你想表达"看那只长颈鹿.",你会说:________(  ) A.Look at the giraffe. B.Look at the monkey. C.Look at the bear. 21.选择与图片相符的句子(  ) A.My dog is fat. B.My cat is fat. 22.You _____ tall.(  ) A.is B.are C.am 23.选择与图片相符的句子(  ) A.It's a thin bear. B.It's a short bear. 24.选择与图片相符的句子(  ) A.My giraffe is tall. B.My duck is short. 25.选择与图片相符的句子(  ) A.Look at the boy. He's fat. B.Look at the girl. She's thin. 26.下面的动物中,是中国的国宝的是(  ) A. B. 27.你想让吴一凡的眼睛变大,应说:(  ) A.Make your arms short,Wu Yifan. B.Make your eyes big,Wu Yifan. 二.填空题(共6小题) 28. (1)Come here, children!    A. 猫快.老鼠肥. (2)It has a small head.    B. 它有长尾巴和大眼睛. (3)Make your arms long.    C. 它有个小脑袋. (4)It has a long tail and big eyes.    D. 使你的手臂显得长一些. (5)Cat is fast. Rat is fat.    E. 孩子们来这里. 29.     1、key     2、nest     3、lock     4、lion     5、kangaroo     6、jeep     7、mouse     8、night     9、milk. 30.将下列单词分类.(把序号写在横线上) 1.father



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