人教版 七年级上 unit can you play the guitar.pptxVIP

人教版 七年级上 unit can you play the guitar.pptx

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Can you play the guitar? Unit 10Period 1Learning goals:New words in Page 59, 59页出现的新单词2. Talk about abilities 用以下句型谈论能力: Can you swim? Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.Instructions for self study 自学指导1.Learn the new words in P59 in groups, including their pronunciations and meanings (8 mins) 以小组为单位,学习59页出现的新单词,包括读音和中文意思2. Finish exercise 1a in P 59. 完成59页练习1aaefbdcg231Translate the conversations above into Chinese. ★ can: 情态动词能够,可以。 can+动词原形,can do sth “能够做、会做某事”,表示有能力做某件事。e.g. 他会游泳。 He can swim.(★变为一般疑问句,把can放到句首) Can he swim? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.(特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词what、when、where、how much+can+主语+动词? What can you do? 你能做什么?art clubswimming clubmusic clubPairwork(8 mins):A: I want to join the art club.B: Can you paint?A: Yes, I can.baseball clubdancing clubExercise (6 mins) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I want ______ (join) the swimming club.2. Let’s _______ (go) to the action movie.3. This ________ (be) a birthday card.4. He ________ (not have) a guitar.5. My brother ________ (like) bananas.6. This story is very ________ (interest).7. Can you _______ (bring) some things to school?8.My aunt can _______ (eat) lots of food.to joingoisdoesn’t havelikesinterestingbringeatPeriod 2Learning goals:1.New words in 62 61、62页出现的新单词2. Continue to talk about abilities 继续谈论能力Instructions for self study 自学指导 Learn the new words in P 61-62 in groups, including their pronunciations and meanings (8 mins) 以小组为单位,学习61、62页出现的新单词,包括读音和中文意思trumpetpianoguitarinstrumentsdrum★play the guitar/ trumpet/ violin/ piano比较:play basketball/chess/baseballviolindotowantclubplaycan’tart clubEnglish clubmusic clubbasketball clubswimming clubA: What club do you want to join?B: I want to join the art club.A: Can you paint?A: No, I can’t.2314Victor PeterSallyGina例:Tom can play the guitar but he can’t play it very well. 汤姆会弹吉他但他弹得不好。2. Anna can play the trumpet and she can play it very well. 安娜会吹喇叭而且她吹得很好。寻求帮助你和孩子们相处得好吗?为了我们的北戴河学校旅行,我们需要帮助。你能(在以下方面)帮助我们吗?体育音乐电脑来加入我们吧!Grammar points:1.be good with…与…相处得好e.g.彭老师跟他的学生处得好! M


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