选修8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 课时作业 高效提能.docVIP

选修8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 课时作业 高效提能.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 单独成册:对应学生用书第302页 Ⅰ.阅读理解 It's not what you might imagine a conservation site to be.Sound of hammering runs through the Downtown Doral Park from a construction site nearby.Children play around.The only indication that anything unique is underway is a card from some trees in the city park.A kind of rare,native orchid(兰花)grows on those trees with leaves flying in wind. Encyclia tampensis orchids once grew in quantities in Florida.Today,they're rare in the wild,due to shrinking habitat.Conservationists are working to reintroduce them to the state.Plant conservation projects typically happen far from urban areas.But a team of scientists is trying a fresh approach: grow native plants in heavily populated spaces.“We should be creative to preserve biodiversity,” says Downing,a biologist of the team.Their Million Orchid Project is part of a push to reintegrate(恢复)native plants into urban environments. There was a tendency to completely transform an area with particular non-native plants,but in recent years,ecologists are thinking more about urban areas.“When people plant non-native plants in their yards,and weed out the natives,wildlife suffers,too,” ecologist Narango in the team explains.“It includes insects relying on specific plants and birds eating bugs.When native plants are reintroduced,the wildlife returns too.Some native plants have been dismissed because they don't fit the traditional idea.But if we want our ecosystems to be richer,we have to accept the fact that ecosystems don't always meet our sometimes narrow ideas of beauty.It's about finding beauty in the natural systems.” Planting native species in cities isn't simple.As for the orchids,the scientists must feed the seeds with nutrients themselves,and then find a suitable place for them.In cities,that's difficult,as many orchids need particular trees to grow.The project has been underway for only 2 years,so Downing can't say whether the orchids will seed the next generation.But he's learning more


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