选修7 Unit 4 Sharing 课时作业 高效提能.docVIP

选修7 Unit 4 Sharing 课时作业 高效提能.doc

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单独成册:对应学生用书第289页 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Smoke alarms are painfully loud.Yet plenty of people—especially kids—will sleep through an alarm's loud noise,which could prove deadly.That's why researchers at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus,Ohio,have been testing new types of alarms that few kids sleep through,which wake up kids by using their mom's voice. “Knowing which alarms work best can save lives,” says Mark Splaingard.He's a doctor who took part in the new research.One night,Splaingard treated three kids with serious burns.He was puzzled because their house had a functioning alarm,but it hadn't woken the kids up.Within a few years,Splaingard began the research to solve the problem. Splaingard's team tested 176 children between the ages of 5 and 12 at a sleep research center.And before the kids went to sleep,they were taught an escape route to follow.Once the children had fallen into a deep sleep,researchers randomly sounded a smoke alarm.The researchers noted how long it took kids to wake up.Sometimes the sound was a standard smoke alarm.But the researchers also programmed some novel alarms with three recordings of the voice of each child's mother. Standard smoke alarms failed to wake up 47 out of every 100 kids.Smoke alarms with a mother's voice woke up all but 10 in every 100 kids.And it didn't seem to matter which of the three messages a child heard.All worked equally well.His team's data show there can be a true risk in depending on a standard alarm to wake up sleeping kids. “Even though the alarms currently on the market are not the most successful in waking kids up,we want to make it really clear that standard alarms work,” Splaingard said.“We don't want to give the impression that parents should stop using the high-pitched(尖声的)tone alarms.They will wake up the adults and they can then rescue the children.In this country,about half of the fire deaths are in homes without alarms.” [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。科学研究发现熟睡的孩子很难被传统的烟雾警报器的声音叫醒,而录有母亲声音的警报声能更快地将孩子唤醒。 1.What made Mark


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