新2读写英语critical thinking567省钱,项羽,女性管理者.docxVIP

新2读写英语critical thinking567省钱,项羽,女性管理者.docx

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Unit5 Spend or save e student's dilemma Critical thinking 批判性思维 Work in pairs and discuss the followingquestions.成对工作,讨论下列问题。 1 What advertisements do you see and hear every day and what are their purposes 你看到和听到什么广告?他们每天的目的是什么? Chocolate dove ads. Washing powder ads, health care product ads, milk ads and so on .Increase sales, sell more, Expand the influence, build market share Make more money 巧克力广告,洗衣粉广告,保健品广告,牛奶广告.还有很多。为了卖的更多,扩大影响力,占有市场份额,赚更多的钱 2 What are some of the effective techniques used to promote the selling of various products? 2使用的一些有效技术是什么?促进各种产品的销售 Use the influence of popular stars, In the form of stories, to attract girls to buy products.使用当红明星的影响,用故事的形式,去吸引女孩购买。 1. In the form of story scenarios, the product use scenarios are presented to attract groups 2. Advertise with product functions to highlight advantages 3, distinguish other types of products, the chairman personally advertising 1,用故事情景的形式,展现产品使用场景,吸引群体 2,用产品功能做广告,突出优势 3,区别其他类型产品,董事长亲自做广告 3 Do you prefer to spend or save? Why? 3你喜欢消费还是储蓄?为什么? I prefer consumption, because buying many useful things can make people happy. consumption makes people feel rich, can buy whatever they want, the spirit is very happy. At the same time,When I buy things for my parents and family, their happiness makes me happy. 我喜欢消费。因为买很多有用的东西使人快乐,消费让人觉得自己很富有,想买什么就买什么,精神很愉悦。同时当我买东西给我父母,家人的时候,他们的快乐是我高兴。 4 How do you know whether you'reoverspending or not? 4你怎么知道你是否超支? I know I overspent. Because I ran out of money when I wanted to use it. When my wages come down and I pay the bills, I'll be broke. And then it went on and on, and there were times when I had to reach out and ask my parents for money, and then I felt like I was overspending.我知道我超支了,因为我想用钱的时候发现他没有了当我的工资发下来时,还了花呗,我就没钱了。然后周而复始,甚至有些时候我要伸手像父母要钱,那个时候我就觉得我超支了。 5How can college students handle their money effciently? 大学生们能有效处理好他们的钱吗? College students can't handle their money well, they haven't experienced the cruelty of the society and don't know how to deal


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