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2019辽宁省鞍山市新元实验中学高一英语下学期期中试题 一、 单项选择 1. — ?? ????you read it so loud? — Sorry. I’ll take care not to. A. Can??????????????? B. Must????????????????????? C. May???????????????????????????????? D. Would 参考答案: B 试题分析:该题考查情态动词正确运用的题,是考察学生根据说话人的语气、态度确定情态动词类的题目。根据语境可知应该选B,是“非要,一定得”。 2. The president’s speech was ___ boring; it is , in fact, rather inspiring and interesting. A. anything but?????? B. nothing but??? C. no more???? D. all but 参考答案: A 3. ___ with heavy loads of teaching ___ he later became an easy target of the flu. A. So tired was the teacher; that??? B. The teacher was so tired; which C. Tired as the teacher; that??? D. Such was the tired teacher; which 参考答案: A 【详解】考查so…that句型与倒装。句意:教学任务不堪重负,这位老师很快就成了流感的目标。在so…that句型中,当so+形容词位于句首时,要进行部分倒装,故A项正确。 【点睛】本题的难度较大,注意在so…that句型中,当so+形容词位于句首时,要进行部分倒装,正常语序应该是:The teacher was so tired with heavy loads of teaching that he later became an easy target of the flu. 4. Mr. Green stood up in defense of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one ????????.??? A. blamed??????????? B. blaming?????????? C. to blame??????? D. to be blamed 参考答案: C 略 5. Sorry I’m so late, but you cannot imagine??????? great trouble I took to find your house. A.which????????????????????????????????????? B.how?????????????????????????????? C.what????????????????????????????? D.that 参考答案: C 6. Go on a picnic in such bad weather? You ______ be joking! A. can?????? B. must ????? C. may?????? D. will 参考答案: B 7. You may use the room as you like ___ you clean it up afterwards. A. so far as???? B. so long as?? C. in case?? D. even if 参考答案: B. 解析: 该句话的意思是:只要你后来把房子打扫干净,你就可以按照你喜欢的方式使用这间房子。as long as =so long as只要。 8. Toby will not be in London next Tuesday.? He ______ in the Himalayas. ?? A. will be climbing????????????????????? B. will have climbed C. has climbed?????????????????????????? D.was climbing 参考答案: A 9. Hearing the news that he had been ______as general manager of the big company, he ______ with excitement and joy, forgetting that he was sho


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