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PAGE PAGE 12 收入再分配是否仅仅是一个道德范畴?? ? 基金项目:国家社科基金重大项目“新时期中国民生保障体系建设研究”(项目批准号:10zd&038)。 --特论收入再分配作为经济学研究的科学意义 朱富强? ? [作者简介]:朱富强,1971.6-,男,江苏丹阳人,经济学博士、副教授,现任教于中山大学岭南学院、经济研究所。主要研究领域:理论经济学、经济学方法论和比较制度分析。联系地址:广州市新港西路135号,中山大学岭南学院,510275 ;电话:(020Email: zhufq@。 (中山大学 岭南学院 经济研究所,广州,510275) 内容提要:收入再分配并不仅仅属于道德范畴,更具有经济学的科学研究意义。主要原因有二:一者,收入初始分配本身就是不合理的,从而没有体现每个人的应得权利;二者,应得权利不彰窒息了效率,从而抑制了社会合作秩序的扩展。相应地,收入再分配就有这样两个基本依据且要实现这样两个基本目的:一是基于正义原则,通过收入再分配实现因贡献与收入不相称的补偿正义和因自然不平等的纠正正义;二是基于效率原则,通过收入再分配来促进利益更为均等的帕累托改进和增进个体间进行合作最大化机会。 关键词:收入再分配;社会正义;社会效率;初始分配;分配正义 Whether does Income Redistribution only Belong to Moral Domain or not? --On the Scientific Significance for Income Redistribution as a Research Subject of Economics Zhu Fu-qiang (Lingnan College, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, 510275) Abstract: Income redistribution is not only a moral Domain, but also has a great deal of scientific significance. There are two main reasons for income redistribution. On the one hand, the initial income distribution itself is unreasonable, and which does not reflect everyone's deserved right. On the other hand, the unbalance of deserved right stifled efficiency, which stops the expansion of social cooperation order. Accordingly, there are two basic basis and two basic purposes to achieve for income redistribution. On the one hand, based on the principles of justice, income redistribution should achieve the compensatory justice resulting from the unbalance between contributions and earnings and the redressed justice due to the natural unequal. On the other hand, Based on the principle of efficiency, income redistribution should promote Pareto improvement with more equal interest and the maximum opportunities to cooperate. Key words: Income Redistribution; Social Justice; Social Efficency; Initial Distribution; Distributive Justice 一、引论 现代主流经济学根据边际生产力分配原则推崇基于市场契约的初次收入分配,将初次收入分配的结果视为是正义的和有效的,从而反对强制性的收入再分配。这一思维甚至可以追溯到将价值归咎于劳动的古典经济学。例如,尽管李嘉图认为社会各种收入不过是劳动所创造的全部产品价值的分割,并揭示了工资、利


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