湖南高考英语一轮复习练习:模块五 nit 3 cience ver natre科学与自然.docVIP

湖南高考英语一轮复习练习:模块五 nit 3 cience ver natre科学与自然.doc

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Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The team will d________lose if he doesn’t join in it. 【答案】 definitely 2.He is not Mr Smith’s real son.He is only his a________child. 【答案】 adopted 3.The builders at the c________site worked hard day and night. 【答案】 construction 4.There have been great________(进步) in medicine in the last ten years. 【答案】 progress 5.I can’t________(集中) on my work when I’m tired. 【答案】 concentrate 6.Correct decisions come from correct________(判断). 【答案】 judgment 7.I hope you will be top dog in your________(职业). 【答案】 profession 8.He saved his daughter from the fire but at the________(代价) of his own life 【答案】 cost 9.________(农业) is the foundation of the national economy. 【答案】 Agriculture 10.Fires,floods and earthquakes are________(灾难). 【答案】 disasters Ⅱ.完成句子 1.她从不把我当回事,这让我很生气。 She never________ ________ ________,which makes me sad. 【答案】 takes me seriously 2.有两座新房子正在修建。 There are two new houses________ ________. 【答案】 under construction 3.他们对即将到来的考试已经做好了充分的准备。 They have________ ________ ________ ________the coming exam. 【答案】 been well prepared for 4.彼得一直忙于筹划他的婚礼。 Peter is busy________ ________ ________his wedding. 【答案】 making plans for 5.从个人观点看,我完全同意他为自己所做的一切。 ________ ________ ________ ________,I totally agree with what he did for himself. 【答案】 On a personal note Ⅲ.单项填空 1.The weather report says it will________fine tomorrow. A.turn up    B.turn out C.turn on D.turn in 【解析】 句意为:天气预报说明天会晴天。turn out解释为“结果”。 【答案】 B 2.You should book a ticket________;otherwise you’ll be anxious when the time comes. A.ahead of B.before C.in front D.in advance 【解析】 句意为:你应该事先买一张票。否则的话,当时间到时,你会着急的。in advance解释为“提前,事先”。 【答案】 D 3.They urged that the library________open during the vacation. A.must be kept B.is kept C.would be kept D.be kept 【解析】 句意为:他们催促图书馆在节日期间要开放。urge引导的从句,后要用(shoul)+动词原形构成虚拟语气。 【答案】 D 4.The professor is trying hard to look for sufficient grounds on which to base his arguments ________the new theory. A.in memory of B.in honor of C.in terms of D.in favor of 【解析】 句意


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