湖南高考英语一轮复习练习:模块一 nit 2 Growing pain成长的烦恼.docVIP

湖南高考英语一轮复习练习:模块一 nit 2 Growing pain成长的烦恼.doc

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Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.We won a prize for good b________ at school. 【答案】 behavior 2.And finally he closed his letter with the words “Yours s________”. 【答案】 sincerely 3.I felt no c________ about the matter at first,which made me almost fail. 【答案】 concern 4.After drawing the________(窗帘),he sat before his computer to send an e-mail to his aunt. 【答案】 curtain 5.His two great________(爱好) in life are music and painting. 【答案】 interests 6.James was________(难过) because he had lost his air ticket to Edinburgh. 【答案】 upset 7.He ended up his________(无聊的) holiday by watching TV all day. 【答案】 boring 8.She had quite a long________(争论) with the boss on the matter,but in vain. 【答案】 argument 9.Last Sunday,he and his wife________(吵架) about who would look after their children. 【答案】 fought 10.We ended the meeting in a hurry,________(留下) several severe problems unsettled. 【答案】 leaving Ⅱ.完成句子 1.他对这个项目不感兴趣,别浪费时间跟他解释了。 He has no interest in the project,so don’t________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 【答案】 waste time explaining it to him 2.我让杰克在我去买票的时候负责行李箱。 I________ ________ ________ ________ ________the suitcases when I went to get the tickets. 【答案】 left Jack in charge of 3.如果你坚持吃这么多的话,你会很快长胖的。 If you________ ________ ________ ________ ________,you will soon put on weight. 【答案】 insist on eating so much 4.你知道这些男孩该受处分的理由吗? Do you know the reason________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________? 【答案】 why the boys should be punished 5.她的病已经发展到了无人能治疗的地步了。 Her illness has developed to the point________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 【答案】 where nobody can cure her Ⅲ.单项填空 1.Intelligence doesn’t________mean success.You need to work hard as well. A.honestly     B.formally C.simply D.necessarily 【解析】 句意为:智力并不一定意味着成功。你也需要努力学习。not necessarily意思是:并不一定。 【答案】 D 2.________other young men,he also enjoys pop music. A.Compared with B.In common with C.Except for D.Speaking of 【解析】 句意为:和其他年轻人一样,他也喜欢流行音乐。它是固定搭配。 【答案】 B 3.I found her nice and honest________I saw


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