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考总复习英语 必修二Unit1 Cultural relics 话题句篇晨诵基础知识自测」考点讲练互动」写作技能晚练〕能力运用提升 考总复习英语 话题句篇晨诵 单元话题·文牝遣产 l.It is amazing that the ancient people could have built such a great architecture让人吃惊的是,古代的人们居然能够建造出如此伟大的 建筑物。 2.It remains a mystery how ancient people built such a magnificent 相 architecture at that time古代的人是怎么建立起一个如此壮观的建筑 关 物现在仍然是个谜 句/3. The Great Wall was built in a time when countries were at war.长城 建立在一个战火纷飞的时期 4. What Russians have devoted to decorating the new Amber room is highly thought of俄罗斯人民为装饰新的琥珀屋所做的事情受到了高 度的赞扬。 5. Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as Yuan Ming Yuan in Beijing?重建北京圆明园这样的文化遗址值得吗? 话题句篇晨诵」基础知识自测」考点讲练互动」写作技能晚练」能力运用提升 考总复习英语 6.A cultural relic is a treasure belonging to all people rather than belonging to any individual文化遗产是属于全民的宝藏,而不是属 于某个人的。 7. There is no doubt that the former Amber room is missing.毫无疑 问,以前的琥珀屋不见了。 8. The Nest in Beijing, designed by one of the most famous architects in the world, was built in a fancy style.由世界最著名的建筑师之 所设计的北京鸟巢,建筑风格奇异。 9.I am in favor of the former opinion while my brother firml approves of the latter one.我赞成前者的观点,但我的弟弟却坚定地 赞成后者的观点。 话题句篇晨诵」基础知识自测」考点讲练互动」(写作技能晚练」能力运用提升 考总复习英语 The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the great wonders of the world.It was designed by a local architect in a fancy style. The Taj Mahal, decorated with many jewels and jewelry, was built in memory of one of the kings wives, which cost the best artists more ia than 22 years to complete. There is no doubt that the Taj Mahal is the A finest example of the late style of Indian architecture. It's a place that 模| is worth visiting 板译文对照:泰姬陵( he Taj mahal)被认为是世界上的伟大奇观之 由当地的一个建筑师设计,风格奇特。陵内由很多宝石装饰着, 它是国王为了纪念他其中一个妃子而建造的,一共花了当时最优秀 的工匠22年时间才完成。毫无疑问,泰姬陵是印度后建筑风格的典 范。它是一个值得参观的地方。 话题句篇晨诵」基础知识自测」考点讲练互动」(写作技能晚练」能力运用提升 考总复习英语 基础知识自测 「单词识记 根据词性和汉语提示写出下列单词 (ad)稀罕的;稀有的;珍 贵的 (n)设计;图案;构思 答案:1rare2. design (xr)设计;计划;构思 3.fancy 4.remove (ad)奇特的:异样的 5.former (t.)想象;设想;爱好 (r)移动;搬开 (ad


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