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精品资料 精品资料 Specificati on Approval Sheet 产品规格承认书 Customer 客户名称:域拓 Model 产品型号:4L Type 产品类型:Li-ion battery Specification 产品规格:3.7V/1400mAH sig ned by clie nt 客户签名 Con firmed 确认: Checked 审核: Approved 批准: sig ned by manu facturer 生产商签名 肖泽建Prepared 制定: 肖泽建 Checked 审核: Approved 批准: 丁明谊 AMENDMENT RECORDS Modificati on Time Descripti on Issued Date Approved By 0 New release 2015-06-26 Catalogue 目 录 TOC \o "1-5" \h \z .Battery type and scope 电池型号和适用范围 4 1 . 1: model产品型号: 4 1 . 2: scope 适用范围:客户定义 4 . Basic character and compose of battery 电池的基本特性及组成 4 2.1: fun dame ntal performa nce parameter of battery 电池基本性能参数: 4 \o "Current Document" 2.2: Main components and parts 主要零部件 6 \o "Current Document" 2.3: Regular performance and unfailing performance 产品常规性能和可靠性能 6 \o "Current Document" 2.4: Con tour Dime nsion of the Battery 电池外形尺寸 11 \o "Current Document" . Specifications of Parts 零部件规格 162 3.1: fender 保护板 162 \o "Current Document" 3.2: gen eral electric and protect ion characters 一般电气与保护特征 162 \o "Current Document" 3.2: electric schematic diagram of battery 电池电路原理图: 183 \o "Current Document" 3 . 3 : PCB layout 电路布局图 . 错误!未定义书签。3 TOC \o "1-5" \h \z \o "Current Document" . Specifications of the Cells 电芯规格 194 \o "Current Document" Announcements 注意事项 205 \o "Current Document" Dan ger 危险 205 226Warni ngs 警告 226 Announ ceme nts 注意事项 Announ ceme nts 注意事项 23 7 .Battery type and scope 电池型号和适用范围 This Specificatio n Approval Sheet is for rechargeable Li-polymer battery provided by Shirui Battery Co., LTD. This product is according with the national standard of PRC. ‘ GB/T18287-2000 ' . General specificatio n of lithium-io n battery for cellular phone '. 本《规格书》为时瑞电池有限公司提供的可充电式锂离子电池规格。 此产品符合中华人民共和国国家标准‘ GB/T18287-2000 '《蜂窝电话用锂离子电池总规范》。 1 . : model产品型号:4L . Basic character and compose of battery 电池的基本特性及组成 2 . 1 : fun dame ntal performa nee parameter of battery 电池基本性能参数: S/N Details parameters remarks 序 内容 参数 备注 号 1 Rated voltage 额定电压 3.7V 2 Rated


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