2020年英语八年级下册期末词汇语法复习试题:Unit 6 An old man try to move the mountains(解析人教版).pdfVIP

2020年英语八年级下册期末词汇语法复习试题:Unit 6 An old man try to move the mountains(解析人教版).pdf

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精品资源 ·初中试炼 人教版初中英语8 年级(下)期末复习大全 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains (解析版) 第一部分:词汇强化练习 根据汉义补全句子 1. The police had orders to__________(射击) anyone who attacked them. 2. He could not tell whether the floor was__________(木头) or stone. 3. "The police are here," she said in a low __________(声音). 4. He __________(领导)l the country between 1949 and 1984. 5. Forty or fifty women were sitting on the__________(地面) . 6. His eyes were __________( 明亮的) and excited. 7. The sun__________(照耀) brightly in a cloudless sky. 8. They walked along the road in the__________(月光). 9. The terrible__________(场景) was still on his memory. 10. We spent the__________(整个的) summer in Italy that year. 11. Where did you first meet your__________(丈夫)? 12. He __________(结婚) his wife Jane 37 years ago. 13. His__________(继母) is kind to her. 14. Don't go to that shop — they often__________(欺骗) their customers. 15. I'll never do anything so__________(愚蠢的) again. 16. __________(没有人) knows what will happen next. 17. For Christmas my brother and I each got new__________( 内衣), one toy and one book. 18. She was wearing two blue__________(丝绸) ribbons in her hair. 19. She wore a heavy__________(金子) chain around her neck. 20. Napoleon called himself__________(皇帝) of the French. 21. He didn't__________(结婚) until he was fifty. 22. A __________(微笑) often shows pleasure and friendship. 23. We soon became friends with the__________(夫妻) next door. 24. If it doesn't__________(合适), you can always take it back. 精品资源 ·加分试炼 精品资源 ·初中试炼 25. She changed the frog into a handsome__________(王子) . 26. They were discussing the problems of __________(西方的) society. 27. Nothing seemed to surprise or __________(使...兴奋) him.



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