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江苏牛津译林高三年级下学期期末综合检测小练笔 授课类型 星级 教学目标 综合检测 授课日期及时段 “Made in China 2025” aims to transform China from a product-making factory into a procuct-making power, ______________ driven by innovation and emphasizes quality over quantity. A. the one that B. one that C. one D. the one On Nov.l1, Alibaba sold more than 90 billion yuan ____________goods on its e-commerce platforms T and TMall, making headlines all over the world. A. worth of B. sum of C. value for D. profit for Younger people might like snow and cold, but for________, such weather is very tough; snow can turn into ice, _______is easy to slip on. A. people my age; where B. my age people; where C. people my age; which D. my age people; which China may as well keep its growth rate above 7 percent. ________, the rate may be set between 6 to 7 percent, for the sake of a healthy environment. A. Differently B. Alternatively C. Accordingly D. Conversely —Will you have a second child? — Haven’t decided yet. We ______ about it the whole year. A. have thought B. had thought C. thought D. have been thinking How shocked he __________ the news that the terrorists attacked Paris, leaving 129 dead and hundreds injured. A. was heard B. heard C. was to hear D. would hear The door was open, from ______he could see everything outside. A. which B. after which C. behind it D. where It is beyond awkward when everyone around you ______________ laughing at a joke that you do not find funny, especially if it’s a joke told in a foreign language. A. run into B. bursts out C. yells out D. falls into The average income of the Changzhou, though still well below that of Suzhou, has been on the increase and is three times ________it was in 2001. A. that B. which C. what D. how Having a brother or sister protects adolescents against negative feelings such as loneliness and guilt, but they also have to learn to ___________and to control their emotions. A. compete B. compensate C. comprehend


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