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The story of Chinese Zodiac (十二生肖的故事) 旁白: Long, longtime ago, people always forgot inwhich year they were born and could not figure out exactly how old they were. The Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) came up with an idea. 玉皇大帝:It’s too difficult to remember a year. It would be easier to remember an animal. Why don’t we choose twelve animals to represent the years? 旁白: The Jade Emperor asked the Earth God to tell every animal。 How to be chosen as one of the animals for the twelve signs of the zodiac。 玉皇大帝:All animals are wele to pete. The first twelve animals across the finish line will be chosen as the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac。 旁白: After the announcement, all the animals got very excited and everyone was talking about the race。At that time, the cat and the rat were very good friends. They met to discuss the race。 老鼠:We can’t swim. How are we goanna cross the river? 猫:Let’s join the ox, We can point the way and he can carry us across the river. 旁白: The cat and the rat went to see the ox. 猫和老鼠:We want to join inthe race. But we can’t swim, Would you please take us to cross the river? 牛:Of course. I can swim. You can jum on my head or my ears , then we can cross the river together. What are you waiting for? Let’ s go quickly! pang 旁白: The day of the race soon came. Early that morning, before the rooster woke up, the ox, the cat and the rat were already at the riverside. 牛:e on, friends. We will be the first. Jump on my head. 猫和老鼠:Ok !Swim quickly! Hurry up! 旁白: The cat and the rat climbed onto the back of the ox. And then they started swimming across the river. The cat became sleepy because he got up so early that morning. 猫:(打哈欠)I am tired. I go up so early! Iwan to sleep soon, when we arrive at the bank of river, please wake me up. 老鼠:No problem ! You sleep first. I will call you. 旁白:


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