2020年英语八年级下册期末词汇语法复习试题:Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum (解析人教版).docVIP

2020年英语八年级下册期末词汇语法复习试题:Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum (解析人教版).doc

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精品资源·初中试炼 精品资源·加分试炼 人教版初中英语8年级(下)期末复习大全 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? (解析版) 第一部分:词汇强化练习 根据汉义补全句子 I would never choose to watch TV for a long time as an___________(娱乐). I've got a feeling I've seen him before___________(在某地). Her grandmother lent her a___________(相机) for a school trip to Venice and Egypt. The___________(发明) of the computer marked the beginning of a new era. I find it___________(难以置信的) that people can live in such a condition. Physics has made great___________(进展) during this century. The student is showing ___________(迅速的) progress in his studies. With the ___________(迅速的) economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important. Something___________(不一般的) was about to happen. Every flat has its own bathroom and___________(卫生间). When things aren't going well, he___________(鼓励) not to give up. Many___________(社会的) services are still provided by voluntary groups in our city. We?need?a?___________(和平的)?international?environment.? \o "点击发音" His good___________(表现) in school made his mother proud. Laurel was a___________(完美的) girl in every way. He used ___________(收集) cards, but now he likes to collect stamps. Next door to us there's a___________(夫妇) from the USA. I heard a very angry man talking in___________(德语). A ___________(德国的) scientist interrupted(打断) me and asked if I came from China. The___________(主题) for tonight's talk is education. He?invited?us?to?get in the?car?and?go?for a?___________(兜风)?with?him.? \o "点击发音" I?met?the?three?rising stars?in?the capital of the?___________(省). This?train?carries?over 5___________(千)?passengers?every day.?? Most foods that we eat are___________(安全的) for birds. I bought the house___________(不过是) because it was large. Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of___________(恐惧). I'm not sure ___________(是否) to go or not. He doesn’t care ________(是否) we live or die. Parched corn was a staple of the___________(印度人的) diet. To an___________(印度人), the owl is a s



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