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专科生毕业设计(论文) 题 目:WMZ-41A 型微机保护原理及应用 学生姓名: 系 别: 电气信息工程系 专业年级: 指导教师: 年 月 日 摘要 微机继电保护指的是以数字式计算机(包括微型机)为基础而构成的继电保护。 母线保护是保证电网安全稳定运行的重要系统设备,它的安全性、可靠性、灵敏性 和快速性对保证整个区域电网的安全具有决定性的意义。在电网中广泛应用过的母联电 流比相式差动保护、电流相位比较式差动保护、比率制动式差动保护,而就适应母线运 行方式、故障类型、过渡电阻等方面而言,无疑是按分相电流差动原理构成的比率制动 式母差保护效果最佳。 WXH-802 由综合距离方向元件和零序方向元件构成全线速动主保护,由三段式相间 距离和接地距离以及六段零序电流方向保护构成后备保护;并配有综合重合闸。 [关键词]:微机保护 电压互感器 母差保护 1 Abstract What the microcomputer relay protection refers to is take the digital computer (including miniature machine) as the relay protection which the foundation constitutes. The bus protection is guaranteed that the electrical network safe steady operation the important system equipment, its security, the reliability, the sensitivity and the rapidity to guaranteed the entire region electrical network's security has the decisive significance. Widely applies the mother in the electrical network to unite the current ratio type differential motion protection, the current phase comparison-like differential motion protection, the ratio brake type differential motion protection, but speaking of adaptation bus bar aspects and so on movement way, breakdown type, transition resistance, without doubt is misses the protection effect according to the phase splitting electric current differential motion principle constitution ratio brake type mother to be best. WXH-802 constitutes the entire line by the synthesis from the directional element and zero foreword directional element to speed the main protection, is away from and the touchdown distance as well as by the triadic interaction the zero foreword direction of current protection constitution r


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