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从传统到现代:农村基层政权公信力的生成与变迁 陶 振 2012-9-11 8:43:56  来源:《中南大学学报:社会科学版》(长沙)2012 年 2 期第 26~ 34 页  【英文标题】The Formation and Changes of the Public Trust of the Rural Grass-roots Power   【作者简介】陶振(1983- ),男,安徽庐江人,中共上海市委党校、上海行政学院公共 管理教研部讲师,主要研究方向:政府信任与公共治理(上海 200233 )。   【内容提要】不同历史时期,我国农村基层政权公信力有着不同的生成路径:传统社会 时期,民众对基层政权的信任主要体现为对有地方基础和影响网络的地方精英的认同而非自 上而下的正式官僚组织与成员,地方精英对地方利益共同体的建构是维系这种非正式权威关 系的关键;建国初期的土地改革、民主建政、农业生产合作化塑造的高度集体主义以及对领 袖个人魅力的崇拜,共同构筑了基层公众对新政权强烈认同与信任的来源;公社全能主义治 理结构下的政治信任,公众更多是一种敬畏的心理而不是发自内心的政治认同;乡政村治时 期的基层政权,信任基础面临土地经营体制变革、税费改革、农村市场化进程以及农民认同 与行动单位日益原子化所带来的利益和价值认同资源流失的双重冲击。   The article follows the path of historical evolution of governance in the rural grass-roots political power to find its base of public trust. In traditional society, whether the public trust the rual grass-roots political power or not depends on the extent to which the public recognize local elites with local influence and networks, other than the formal bureaucratic organization structures and its members. In other words, the public trust of grass-roots political power in rural areas is externalized by the public trust level of local elites. In the early days of new China (1949~1958). The land reform ,the implementation of political democracy and the agricultural cooperation movement and leadership worship further cultivated peasants' view on collectivism and socialism to form the diversified trust basis of grass-roots political power. In the period of the commune system, the public's political recognition is out of awe, other than from their will. In the period of countryside politics and village governance, the land management reform, the reform of taxes and administrative charges and the development of rural marketization weakened the correlation between farmers and grass-roots political power in interest realization. With the differentiation of rural social structure


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