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第七章旅游文本中专有名词的 翻译 第一模块:热身练习 Switzerlands most colourful and traditional Chasteilet"has taken place on the first friday after the day of prayer(Bettag)at the cheese storage hut on Spycherberg in the Justistal valley for some 500 years. This is one of the oldest folk customs in the bernese oberland 瑞上最丰富多 传统活动“分奶酪” (Chasteilet 祷"( Bettag)后的第一个 期五在贾斯蒂斯塔尔史谷斯皮切堡的奶略储 尔尼高地上最古老的民俗传统之一。 亳州,安徽西北部的一颗明珠,是一座有三千 多年历史的国家级历史文化名城。毫州名 人辈岀,曾经诞生过曹操、华佗、李绅、陈 传等历史文化名人,留有汤陵、道德中宫 白衣律院、华祖庵、曹氏家族墓群、地下 运兵道、花戏楼等珍贵遗迹。由华佗创传 的“五禽戏”是亳州一绝,引得国内外游客 纷至沓来 Bozhou City, situated in the northwest of anhui Province, is one of the famous places of historical nterests in China. It is the hometown of cao Cao(a famous thinker politician and militarist during the Three-Kingdom period) and Hua Tuo(the master of medicine in ancient China). there remain many historical sites such as the Tang Tomb, Hua tuo temple and Ancient Military tunnel. the Wu Qin Exercises(a set of health-care exercises that can help patients to recover) invented by hua tuo is called the wonder of Anhui"and holds a strong appeal to visitors from home d abroad


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