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毕业设计(论文) 高级中学办?公楼建筑电?气设计 The Senio?r 2013年?6月18日? 摘 要 本建筑为某?市第十高级?中学教学楼?,建筑功能主?要作为学生?上课和教师?办公使用。主体六层,总建筑面积?8646m?2 本设计共主?要包括强电?和弱电两部?分设计。强电部分主?要内容包括?:低压配电系?统、照明插座系?统及防雷接?地系统的设?计,其中照明系?统、低压配电系?统又包括照?度计算、照明负荷计?算、插座的负荷?计算、空调负荷计?算等。弱电部分主?要内容包括?:综合布线系?统、火灾自动报?警系统。 本设计以国?家有关的设?计规范和标?准以及有关?专业提供的?设计资料为?主要依据,对整个工程?的各个系统?进行设计,重点考虑节?能性和安全?性。照明系统中?主要采用利?用系数法对?灯具的数量?进行计算;空调系统根?据房间的冷?热负荷进行?估算;确定主接线?方式;防雷系统依?据建筑物防?雷设计规范?进行设计;综合布线系?统设计依据?综合布线系?统工程设计?规范进行设?计。 关键词:电气照明;配电系统;综合布线;防雷接地 Abstr?act This build?ing is the senio?r middl?e schoo?l, which? funct?ion is mainl?y as a stude?nt and teach?er offic?e. Main body area of 8646m?2, which? is the landm?ark build?ing for the schoo?l. Accor?ding to the archi?tectu?ral desig?n requi?remen?ts, all the teach?ers’ offic?es are equip?ped with perso?nal compu?ter, and the insta?llati?on of air condi?tioni?ng The desig?n of . In conte?nt inclu?des: low volta?ge distr?ibuti?on syste?m, light?ing socke?t syste?m and light?ning proof? groun?ding syste?m desig?n, in which? the illum?inati?on syste?m, low volta?ge distr?ibuti?on syste?m and inclu?ding inten?sity of illum?inati?on compu?tatio?n, light?ing, socke?t load calcu?latio?n of load calcu?latio?n, air condi?tioni?ng load calcu?latio?n, etc. Weak part of the main conte?nt inclu?des: integ?rated? wirin?g syste?m, autom?atic fire alarm? and fire linka?ge syste?m. The desig?n based? on the natio?n relev?ant desig?n regul?ation?s and stand?ards and relev?ant profe?ssion?al desig?n mater?ial, desig?ning the entir?e proje?ct of each syste?m, and consi?ders mainl?y energ?y conse?rvati?on and safet?y. Light?ing syste?m mainl?y uses the utili?zatio?n coeff?icien?t metho?d to calcu?late the numbe?r of lamps?. Air condi?tioni?ng syste?m due to room cold mode. Light?ning prote?ction? syste?m based? on build?ing light?ning proof? desig?n stand?ard to desig?n. Integ?rated? wirin?g syste?m desig?n based? on integ?rated? wirin?g syste?m engin?eerin?g desig?n code


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