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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ 装 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ 订 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ 线 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ 毕业设计(论文) PAGE I 街道、广场与建筑互动的社区场所营造 摘 要 在全球化与城镇化的作用下,当代中国城市发展迅速,大量高速公路被建起,马路被拓宽,这仿佛是一个城市发达的象征。实际上,每个城市都具有不同的文化历史和环境特色,在这样快速的建设下,城市的特色消失,千城一面的问题凸显出来,机动车网络与步行网络的矛盾加剧,难以使生活于其中的人们产生归属感。人作为这个空间的使用者,是应当被首要考虑的,他们是城市最基本也最重要的因素。本文探讨了如何以公交和步行为导向进行设计,以南京中华门越城天地超级步行街区的城市设计为例,进行了交通体系的组织、功能混合的策划和空间的营造。在个人设计中,重点考虑了将建筑空间的一部分开放为城市公共空间,形成一个空间的延续。两者相互渗透的关系增强了人们在其中的交流和活动,营造街道、广场与建筑互动的社区场所。 关键词:城市设计,功能混合,场所营造 全套设计加扣 3012250582 Application of Bjerrum Function in Determination of Stability Constants ABSTRACT Under the co-influence of globalization and urbanization, Chinese cities are developing rapidly. A large number of highways are being built, roads are being widened, which seems to be a symbol of urban development. In fact, each city has unique culture, history and environment. However, in such a rapid construction, the features of a city disappeared and problems came out. The conflict of vehicles and pedestrians is becoming more and more intense. Citizens hardly have a sense of belonging. People, as the user of the space, should be the primary consideration. They are the driving force of urban expansion. This paper discusses the bus and pedestrian-oriented design, taking the urban design of Nanjing Zhonghuamen Super Pedestrian Block as an example, and carried out the design of the traffic system, the mixed-used architecture and place-making of the district. In the personal design, the focus is to consider part of the building space as part of the open public space to form an extension of the space. The interaction of the space can enhance the communication of people, and create a community space where streets, squares and buildings interact with one another. Key words:urban design, mixed-use, place-making 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1 引 言 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 以公交和步行为导向的设计意义 1 1.3 课题目标 1 1.4 本设计所做的工作 2 2 理论部分 3 2.1 场所的概念 3 2.2 无场所的概念 3 2.3 场所营造的积极因素 3 2.4 城市设计中场所营造的层次研究 4 3


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