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开始更好理解… (begin to better understand / suit them best) When people know which intelligences they possess, they can begin to better understand how they learn, and which methods of learning suit them best. begin to better understand… 短语逆译 短语应用 当人们知道自己拥有何种智能,他们便可以开始更好地了解自己要怎么学,以及哪种学习方法最适合自己。 意群提示 Language focus Practical phrases 以…开始 (along this way / have motivation to start with) How do you start along this way if you don’t have motivation to start with? start with… 短语逆译 短语应用 假如你连开始的动力都没有,又怎样冲出这条漫漫长路呢? 意群提示 Language focus Practical phrases Functional Patterns Functions & Usages 1. As to… “至于,关于;就……而论”。用于表达“人们对待某事的看法”。 2. Speaking of…, Sb.… “谈起……”。用于表达“人们对待某事的看法”。 3. Sb. does sth. without (sb.’s ) even thinking… “某人干某事甚至没有想到……”。用于表达“某人做某事的同时对另一事的疏忽”。 Language focus Functional patterns 句型提炼 他跳过了所有不认识的词,可是最终他全然不知这本书里写了什么。 原句译文 逆译练习 He skipped all the words he didn’t know and then would end up with no clue as to what the book was about. (Para.3, L5) Language focus As to what / when / where / how / why / who / whom / whose / whether… 句型提炼 应用提示 As to 意思是“关于、至于”,常常与wh-疑问词引导的动词不定式和名词从句连用(有时可省 略)。 句型应用 Language focus (uncertain) He is very uncertain as to whether it's the right job for him. 典型例句 关于他究竟是否适合做这项工作,他实在拿不准。 意群提示 Language focus Functional patterns 马尔科姆·艾克斯在他的自传里谈到他贫乏的语言技能时是这样写的:“我变得沮丧起来。” 原句译文 逆译练习 “I became frustrated,” Malcolm X wrote in his autobiography, speaking of his inadequate language skills. (Para.3, L6) 句型提炼 Language focus Functional patterns Speaking of…, Sb.… 句型提炼 应用提示 用于“就某人或事物,人们表达看法”。 句型应用 Language focus Functional patterns (speaking of / improving your language skills / help you get into / choice colleges / land future jobs) Speaking of college, improving your language skills might help you get into choice colleges and even land future jobs. 典型例句 说到大学,提高语言能力也许可以让你进入理想的大学,甚至以后能找到好工作。 意群提示 Language focus Functional patterns 数月过去了,他竟然没感到自己在坐牢。 原句译文 逆译练习 Months passed without his even thinking about being in prison. 句型提炼 Language f


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