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轮胎式移动破碎站 Wheel Mounted Mobile Crushing Station PAGE 06网址: PAGE 06 网址: Website: PAGE 09网址: PAGE 09 网址: Website: 轮胎式移动破碎站 专业精神打造臻品 01产品简介 01 Brief Introduction 移动式破碎站主要用于冶金、化工、建材、水电等经常需要搬迁作业的物料加工,特别是用于高速公路、铁路、水电工程等流动性石料的破碎筛分作业。用户可根据加工原料的种类,规模和成品物料要求的不同采用多种配置形式。近几年在建筑垃圾资源再利用工程方面做出卓越贡献。 Mobile crushing station is mainly used to process materials in metallurgy, chemical industry, building construction, hydropower project, etc. which needs to be moved around frequently. It is especially applied in the crushing and screening work of movable materials in highway, railway and hydropower engineering project. Users can adopt a variety of configuration forms according to different kinds of raw material processed, scales, and final products. In recent years, it has made outstanding contributions in the construction wastes recycling engineering. 一体化整套机组,降低了分体组件对场地基础设施的要求及辅助设施安装作业的难度,可节省大量基建及迁址费用。能够对物料进行现场破碎,并可随原料开采面的推进而移动,从而大量降低了物料的运输费用。真正为客户提供高效、低成本项目运营的硬件设施。 Integrated mobile station reduces the difficulties in building infrastructure for separated components and installing auxiliary facilities. It can save a lot of infrastructure and relocation cost. Besides, it also can conduct crushing work on site and move according to the sites of raw materials, which greatly reduce the transportation cost. The station truly provides customers with high efficient and low-cost hardware facilities for the operation of project. 专业精神打造臻品 轮胎式移动破碎站 02性能特点 02 Features 1. 模块化设计,机动灵活,组合多样化。车载牵引,结构紧凑,稳定坚固, 使破碎站无论在工作现场还是公路上都能够满足机动性需求,各种机型能够快速与其他机型匹配组合,满足生产作业的不同需求。 Modular design makes it flexible and can be combined with other machines freely. Wheel-mounted traction, compact structure and stability make mobile crushing station satisfy the demand of mobility no matter at the work site or on the road. Various models can quickly combine with other models to meet the different needs of production. 现场作业,降低物料运输费用。各机型组合作业,能够对物料进行现场破碎,破碎筛分后成品可直接满足客户要求,极大


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