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题 目: 口碑营销对消费者购买行为的影响 院系名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 年 月 日 摘 要 随着消费者的成长和成熟, 传统营销方式的效力逐步降低, 口碑营销作为一 种低成本、高效力的营销手段,其感染力和影响力日益受到 企业 的认可和重视。 文中从口碑营销的起源, 发展状况和概念, 口碑营销的策略以及消费者行为 的影响因素出发, 对口碑营销与消费者购买行为的关系进行研究, 用运正面口碑 营销,与负面口碑营销对消费都购买决策的影响进行说明, 最后拿星巴克的案例 说明,通过营造正面口碑营销可以取得成功。 口碑营销的起源从口碑在人类社会 信息传播的阶断来讲,通过最初的人与人之间的简单沟通,到能过文字,书,以 及现在的广告,电视,网络等来说明。 文章就口碑营销的特点以及其对消费者购买决策的影响进行探讨, 企业要运 用口碑营销策略,就要在区分传统营销与口碑的前提下, 明确实施的原则和条件, 并结合星巴克的口碑营销给出实施口碑营销对消费者购买决策的影响。 关键词: 口碑营销 消费者行为 星巴克 I Title The impact of the consumers purchase decision-making from word-of-mouth marketing Abstract With the growth and maturity of modern consumers, the effectiveness of traditional marketing methods gradually recedes. As a cost-effective marketing tool, the appeal and influence of word-of-mouth marketing have an increasingly recognition and attention by enterprises. This paper researches the relationship between the word-of-mouth marketing and the consumer buying behavior from the factors such as the origin of word-of-mouth marketing , its development and concept , word –of-mouth marketing strategies as well as the impact of consumer behavior, to explain that positive and negative word-of-mouth marketing have an impact on consumer decision-making, finally take Starbucks as an example to illustrate that we can create a successthrough positive word-of-mouth marketing. The paper introduces


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