湘少版(三起)英语五年级上册Unit 11 I'm sorry 第二课时练习卷.docVIP

湘少版(三起)英语五年级上册Unit 11 I'm sorry 第二课时练习卷.doc

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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 湘少版(三起)英语五年级上册Unit 11 I'm sorry 第二课时练习卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、选择题 1 . How ________ she _______?( ) A.Does, feels B.do, feels C.does, feel 2 . —Is it under the desk?? ( ) —___________ A.Yes, it is. B.It's under the desk. C.Yes, they are. 3 . He is very happy _______ them. ( ) A.to help B.help C.helps 4 . Please don’t sing so __________. ( ) A.loud B.loudy C.loudly 5 . 选出不同类的单词。 【小题1】 A. B. C. 【小题2】 A. B. C. 【小题3】 A. B. C. 【小题4】 A. B. C. 【小题5】 A. B. C. 二、填空题 6 . 根据汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。 1.他为什么上学经常迟到? __________ __________he often __________ __________ school? 2.李先生去伦敦是乘轮船还是飞机? __________Mr. Li __________ __________ London by ship __________ by plane? 3.她阿姨现在在北京教英语。 Her aunt? __________ __________ __________ in Beijing now. 4.他眼里含着泪说。 He says __________ __________ __________ his __________. 5.他为什么不早点来呢? __________ __________he come __________ __________ _________ 7 . 根据实际情况回答问题。? 1. Are you happy now? ______________________________? 2. How does your friend feel? ______________________________? 3. What will you do if you are sad? ______________________________? 4. How do you feel when you get a present? ______________________________? 5. Do you feel angry? ______________________________ 三、任务型阅读 阅读短文,判断正误,正确用T,错误用F表示。 Tom and Fred are students. They are both twelve years old, and they are in the same class in their school. Today they have a fight (打架) in class, and their teacher is very angry. He says to both of them, “ Stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a hundred times.” After the last lesson, all the other boys go home, but Tom and Fred stay in the classroom with their teacher. They begin writing their names. And then Fred begins crying. The teacher looks at him and says, “ Why are you crying, Fred?” “ Because his name is Tomay, and my name is very very long. My name is Frederick Hollinhsworth.” Fred says. 8 . Tom and Fred are


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