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? 13. 你打算去巴黎多久? ? How long are you going(do you plan) to stay in Paris? ? 14. 格林先生多块会回到福州来 ? ? How soon will Mr. Green come to Fuzou? ? 15. 我们学校有多少学生。 ? How many students are there in our school? ? 16. 李雷不但学习好,而且跟同学们相处 得也很好。 ? Li Lei not only is good at studying, but also gets on well with his classmates. ? 17. 如果下雨你可以带雨衣也可以带雨伞。 ? If it rains, you can take either a raincoat or an umbrella. ? 18. 魏芳与李明都会说俄语。 ? Not only (Both) WeiFang but also (and) can speak Russian. ? 109. 我只会唱英语歌。你呢? ? I can only sing English songs. What about you? ? 110. 他们会说日语吗?一点点。 ? Can they speak Japanese? A little. ? 111. 你还能做什么?画画。 ? What else can you do? I can draw. ? 112. 昨晚你在晚会上跳舞了吗?没有。 ? Did you dance at the party last night?No. ? 113. 昨晚你为什么回来那么迟? ? Whey did you come back so late last night? ? 114. 你如何跟我撒谎的?为什么不告 诉我真话? ? How could you lie to me? Why didn't you tell me the truth? ? 115. 明天那儿的天气怎样?天晴。 ? What's the weather like there? Sunny/Fine. ? 116. 我想去伦敦。你想跟我一起去吗 ? ? I want to go to London. Would you like to go with me? ? 117. 你的旅行愉快吗?很棒。 ? Did you have a good trip? Great. ? 118. 你打算在那儿呆多久?五天。 ? How long do you plan to stay there? For five days. ? 119 、你应该参观九寨沟。 ? You should visit Jiu Zaigou ? 八年级上 ? 120. 下午我们打算进行一场篮球赛。 ? We are going to have a basketball game this afternoon. ? 121. 明天下午将要进行一场乒乓球赛。 ? There is going to be a Pingpong game tomorrow afternoon. ? 122. 他打算加入我们吗?是。 ? Is he going to join us? Yes. ? 123. 当她长大时,她打算要干什么? ? What is she going to be when she grows up? ? 124. 划船与骑自行车,你更喜欢哪个 运动? ? Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? ? 125. 早上你几点去上学?七点。 ? What time do you go to school in the morning? Seven. ? 126. 我把自行车停在这儿你介意吗? 不。 ? Would you mind my putting bike here? ? 127. 不在这里打球你介意吗? ? Would you mind not playing balls here? ? 128. 我把门关上你介意吗? ? Would you mind my closing the door? ? 129. 你牙疼,最好去看牙医。 ? You have toothache, you'd better go to see a doctor. ? 130. 熬夜对你的健康不利。 ? Staying up late is bad for your health. ? 131. 我必须要我爸戒烟。 ? I must ask my fat



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