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西安市网球场空间分布特点分析 史兵 雷 萌 (陕西师范大学体育学院,陕西西安 710062) 摘要:随着网球运动在中国的普及程度的提高,爱好网球运动的 人士越来越多,但是稀少的网球场地资源难以满足 的需要。本文 以西安市为例调查西安市的网球场地空间分布的历史和现状,以期待 为城市体育设施规划者提供一些参考,体育设施的分布的地理位置可 以反映城市社会经济发展状态,可以反映出各个阶层的体育人口在城 市中分布的状态。本文从地理学基本理论出发,对西安市网球场空间 分布状况进行探究。得出以下主要结论:从地理空间上看西安市网球 场地呈现三环以内多,三环以外少、西南多和东南多西北和东北少的 格局。从行政区域划分来看,西安市 9 区四县中雁塔区、高新区相对 较多,碑林区、未央区、莲湖区、新城区、长安区次之,灞桥、阎良、高 陵、户县、周至最少。这种空间分布态势主要受到辖区的经济情况、 口情况、交通情况等方面的影响。建议:国际化大都市的网球场馆将向 未央区的张家堡广场区域、西咸新区扩展。室内主城区趋于饱和不适 宜建设商业性的网球场馆。 关键词 :网球场地;西安市;空间分布;现状;分析 中图分类号 :G852 文献标识码:A Xian City Tennis spatial distribution investigation and study Abstract :As the tennis movement in China become more and more popular, people more and more interest in tennis, but scarce tennis resources to meet the needs of the people. Based on the investigation of Xian Xian city as an example, tennis courts and the spatial distribution of the history and current situation, in order to look for the city planners to provide some reference to sports facilities, sports facilities distribution location can reflect the city social economy development condition, can reflect the various segments of the sports population in the city of the state of distribution. This article from the basic theory of geography, Xian city tennis court space distribution research. Draw the following main conclusions: from the geographical space at Xian city tennis courts show3 annulus less than, less than, the Sanhuan southwest and southeast northwest and northeast of little pattern. From administrative division, Xian city 9districts and four counties in the District, high-tech zone is relatively large, District, Weiyang District, District, new town, Ch


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