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摘 要 随着科技的迅速发展,网络技术已应用到我们生活中的各个领域。以互联网为依托的商业模式也借此得到了极大的发展;且随着中国互联网普及率的提高,这些商业模式还具备极大的可预见的前景。在线视频网站便是其中之一。在线视频技术因良好的人机交互性和流媒体传输技术倍受教育、娱乐等行业青睐。通过在线视频网这个平台,可以使用户足不出户就可以了解电影信息,避免他们盲目在互联网上寻求电影,使得他们更尽兴地提高观看电影的满足感。本系统的设计为了方便用户更好的观看,系统界面的设计简洁易懂,把用户感兴趣的信息直观地表现出来,例如:视频点播的排行,视频的简介等等;通过本系统你还能提前把视频下载下来,放在其他设备上观看,这样能提供更高的自由度。 关键词: 网络技术,流媒体,在线视频 Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology,network technology has been applied to our lives in various areas.The business model is also made a great development based on the Internet; With the improvement of China's Internet penetration rate,the business model has a great foreseeable future,which online video sites is one kind of them.Because of the good human-computer and interaction and streaming media transmission technology,online video technology is applied to education, entertainment, etc. users can easy to understanding the movie information stay at home by this playform,and avoiding to seek movies on the Internet blindly , making them more fun to improve the satisfaction of watching a movie.The main functions of the system include: movie information management, the movie upload and download, membership management,movie film rank, etc,also is divided into two kinds of user platform administrator user, Member User.ASP.NET is applied to the system foreground and background is using SqlServer which is developed as a database management system, The online video network is developed based on a Web technology of B / S structure. Key words: streaming; online Video; database 目 录 TOC \o "1-4" \h \u 681 前 言 1 7472 第一章需求分析 2 26689 1.1课题背景 2 8207 1.2课题研究的意义 2 13013 1.3市场需求、项目可行性研究和功能分析 2 31841 1.3.1市场需求分析 2 18647 1.3.2项目可行性研究 3 7185 1.3.3功能分析 3 7363 第二章 系统开发工具及平台介绍 4 32515 2.1 ASP.NET概述 4 28913 2.2动态网站技术介绍 5 16392 2.3 ADO.NET连接数据库 6 22348 第三章 系统功能分析及结构设计 7 27228 3.1功能总体的设计 7 27671 3.1.1普通用户和会员模块 8 31000 3.1.2管理员模块 12 5443 3.2 数据库设计 13 31466 3.2.1 数据库创建 14 20587 3.2


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