人教版七年级英语下册《nit 8 I’d like some noodles. Section B》课件_17.pptVIP

人教版七年级英语下册《nit 8 I’d like some noodles. Section B》课件_17.ppt

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单元复习 Unit9 What does he look like? 初中英语人教版七年级 1 2 3 词汇句型训练营 阅读大闯关 写作加油站 词汇阅读训练营 一,根据提示完成句子 1.Lucy has__ __ hair.(黑色直发) 2.He has__ ___ hair.(黄色卷发) 3.She has a___ ___face.(大圆脸) 4.My brother is__but my sister is a little___.(我弟弟瘦但我姐姐胖) 5.His teacher is __ __ __(中等高度) 词汇训练营 词汇训练营 语法小结: 多个形容词排列顺序: 美小圆旧黄,中国木书房(描绘性-大小、长短-形状-颜色-出处-材料-用途-中心词) eg: 一张中国产的红色实木长课桌 句型大闯关 语法盘点 What do/does sb. look like? 询问人的外貌时应用。 2. sb have/has... sb be... 当表达自身有的东西时用have/has ,描述外貌时用be 句型大闯关 句型大闯关 补全对话。 A: I'm busy now.Can you help me meet my friend at the airport? B: Sure,but I don't know him.__________________________? A: He is thin and he has black hair. B: Oh,______________? A: He isn't tall or short.____________. B: _____________________? A: He has straight hair. B: Ok,I know.I'll find him. 句型大闯关 句型大闯关 阅读大闯关 根据首字母及所给单词填空 Joe Brown has an i____ job. He is a police ________(art) .When people see crimes and talk to him. Then he draws a picture of the criminal, and p______it in newspaper or on television. He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal, but sometimes it is__( difficulty). Many people don’t always see things the same w______so they may _______(describtion)the same person d______ and don’t always remember well. One woman says the criminal is of medium height and young. He has long straight brown hair and big eyes. ______(say) woman says that he is tall and thin, and has curly blond hair. In the e_______, the _____ (really)criminal is a short and heavy old man, and he has short black hair. 改错 1.My father looks like young. 2.He is medium height. 3.How does he look like? 4.Joe Brown has an interesting work. 5.He wants to draw a picture of each criminals. 6.They describe the same person different. 7.Lucy is different with her sister. 8.He has blonde curly hair. 写作加油站 1.审清题意,选好标题 。 2.语言简练,表达明确 。 3.书写正确,字体工整。 4.注意大小写、标点符号。 5.卷面整洁,态度认真。 一档 9-10分 要点齐全;能写出要求中的全部或大部分要点,可适当发挥;句子基本无误;单词、大小写、标点符号正确;字体工整,卷面整洁;词数


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