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找工作面试时如何提及提薪水 找工作时我们该怎么样去巧妙的去回答薪水问题?下面是搜集的找工作面试时如何提及提薪水,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴! a: you've definitely got the right idea to be honest about your current salary. potential employers can always find out what you earn and it would be the end of an opportunity if a pany found out at a later date that you lied about your salary. “it reflects your ethics,” says sheryl spanier, an executive career management consultant in new york. 显然你诚实地透露当前的薪水是正确的。新老板一定会知道你现在赚多少。如果以后他发现你对收入撒了谎,那么你就得不到这个工作机会了。纽约职业管理执行顾问谢乐尔?斯巴涅尔说:“这反映了你的道德水平”。 to get what you think you deserve, you'll definitely want to know why you have been underpaid. is it because you have had marginal performance, is the pany or industry struggling or is the pany bad at managing salaries? perhaps you stayed on because of challenging assignments even though raises were paltry and you see now that the best way to make more money is to jump to another firm. once you get a handle on why you've be underpaid, you'll be better able to explain it honestly in an interview. 要获得你认为应得的收入,你肯定会想了解为什么现在的收入那么少。是因为你的表现不佳吗?还是因为公司或行业不景气?或公司工资方面管理不善?也许你呆在现在的岗位是因为虽然加薪渺茫,但工作内容很富有挑战性;而现在你明白了要赚更多的钱,最好的方式是跳槽。一旦你了解了为什么收入偏低,你就能更好地在面试中做出诚实的解释。 recruiters and human resources personnel ask this question because they want to know where you fit into their pensation structure -- not necessarily to figure out how little they can pay you. but, there are ways to get around giving a specific number at the beginning of the interview or even shifting the focus of the question when asked about your current salary. the first thing to keep in mind is that panies are most interested in your experience. they want to know that the person they're offering a position to can handle the everyday challenges on the job. “be very clear about how your experience and talent fits directly with the new position,” says andrea eisenberg, a senior human resources consultant in new york. 招聘人员和人力资源部人员问这个问题是因为他们希望知道你在他们公司的薪金


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