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Unit 8 Life in the future 第 5 课时 —— 写作 课 后 拓 展 例 文 呈 现 栏目导航 课 时 过 关 朗读下列文章, 组内讨论人们在未来的生活中可能会遇到哪些问 题。 The life in the future will certainly become better and better. However, there will also be some problems. Firstly, people will have to leave the Earth in the future because the Earth has been seriously polluted. Secondly, people will suffer from terrible lack of water in the future. Water will become expensive goods. Thirdly, the communication between people will become less and they will prefer to talk to pets rather than communicate with people around. It is time for us to do something to stop these things from happening. 熟记本单元常用写作句型: 1 . The Hotel Whale is built under the water. 鲸鱼酒店建在水下。 2 . Heat is held under the glass and is then used as energy for each house. 热量可以被保存在玻璃下面, 然后被用作每一幢房子的能源。 3 . Your medicine cupboard is connected to your doctors computer. 你的药箱和医生的电脑相连接。 4 . The CJ3 has an electronic map and is driven by a computer. CJ3 自带电子地图并由电脑驾驶。 5 . Now, with the new technology in my CJ3, I am helping protect the environment. 现在 CJ3 有新的技术,我也为保护环境做些贡献。 发挥你的语言技能, 运用对比的方式描述不同时期的购物方 式。以 “Shopping in the Present and in the Future” 为题,在网上 发一篇帖子,比较现在和未来生活的不同之处。 80 词左右。开 头已给出,不计入总词数。 【写作指导】 ◆ 审题: 第一步: 讨论、 搜索人们现在的购物方式, 写出相应的单词 和词组,填写表格。 第二步: 讨论、 搜索人们未来的购物方式, 写出相应的单词 和词组,填写表格。 第三步:列出可能用到的常用句型。 ◆ 联想:写作本篇作文可以参考的词汇、短语 In the present In the future go to traditional shops, supermarkets at home, online shops choose products in the shops browse (浏览) websites for your likes have no idea about the price get the best and cheapest by comparing all the products 表示比较: However, …/ Instead, …/ … while … / … whereas … 表示列举: F or example… / … , such as … Everyone has shopping experiences. Nowadays, p eop le usual l y go t o t radi t i onal shops or superm arket s. Y ou can choose your f avori t es i n t he shops. B ut i n t


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