Unit 8 第一课时 Section A ( 1a-2d ) 人教版英语八年级上册课时练习.docxVIP

Unit 8 第一课时 Section A ( 1a-2d ) 人教版英语八年级上册课时练习.docx

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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 第一课时 Section A ( 1a-2d ) 基础知识回顾 Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1.In China,when we meet for the first time,we should  shake ( 摇动 ) hands.? 2.( 安徽中考改编 )A good hobby  adds ( 增加 ) a lot of fun to our spare life.? 3.How much  salt ( 食盐 ) do you need,Maria?? 4.My sister helped me  pour ( 倒出 ) the water into the cup.? 5.Give me three  spoons ( 勺 ) of honey,Dad.? Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 honey,peel,cut up,put,final 1.After traveling by train for three days,we finally  got home.? 2.Can you help me ( to ) cut up these tomatoes?? 3.Next,you need to put all these things into the blender.? 4.There must be some honey in the water.It is very sweet.? 5.Would you please peel another apple for me?I’d like to have another one.? Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.鲍勃喜欢喝奶昔,但是他的姐姐不喜欢。 Bob likes to drink milk   shake ,but his sister doesn’t.? 2.接下来,让我们倒一些汤到碗里。 Next,let’s pour some soup into the bowl.? 3.( 四川乐山中考 )请帮我开一下电脑好吗?我要发一封邮件。 Would you please turn   on the computer?I need to send an e-mail.? 4.然后,再煮十分钟。 Then cook it for another/ten   ten/more   minutes .? 5.还有一件事:你需要把洋葱切碎。  One   more   thing :you need cut up the onions.? 综合能力提升 Ⅰ.单项填空 ( C )1.—The noodles are so long.Why don’t you    ?? —Oh,they are a symbol of long life. A.cut them down B.cut them out C.cut them up D.cut across them ( A )2.—Why not go swimming tomorrow,Dad? —    .? A.Good idea B.No problem C.Not at all D.That’s right ( B )3.( 江苏苏州中考 )Would you please    the light?I can’t sleep well with it on.? A.turn on B.turn off C.turn to D.turn around ( C )4.They walked for an hour,and    arrived at the small village.? A.clearly B.quickly C.finally D.loudly ( C )5.( 四川自贡中考改编 )—What else do we need to make cold beef? —    .? A.Two spoons salt B.Two spoons of salts C.Two spoons of salt D.Two spoon of salt ( B )6.If you give me    ten minutes,I’m sure I will do better.? A.some B.another C.other D.any ( D )7.Here is the cat food and don’t forget    it on time.? A.fed B.feed C.feeding D


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