牛津上海版 九年级第一学期]Unit5 The human brain知识点及语法点教案.docxVIP

牛津上海版 九年级第一学期]Unit5 The human brain知识点及语法点教案.docx

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U5 The human brain 1. 课文熟悉:用本课新学单词的适当形式补全课文,首字母已给出 Memory Joyce wanted to have a feature about memory in the school newspaper. she and her editors all agreed to write short articles on this topic. ARTHUR I read in a book that we have a s_____1____ memory and a l____2_____ memory. When people get old, their short-term memory becomes weaker, but they can still remember things that happened a long time ago. My grandad told me a joke about memory. He said, ‘When you get old, three things start to go w____3_____. First, you start to lose your memory. And I can't remember what the other two things are!’ JOYCE Memory is e____4_____ for life. I saw a programme on television about a man who had had an accident and i____5_____ his brain. A____6_____, he could not remember anything for longer than a few minutes. His wife visited him in hospital every day, but he forgot her visits a few minutes after she left. He was often a____7_____ with her because he thought that she never visited him. It was very sad. PANSY One b_____8____ way of improving your memory is to use the link m____9_____. If you want to m____10_____ something, you should make a picture in your m_____11____. If the picture is silly, strange and c____12_____, you will remember it better. For example, I am trying to remember the word 'smiles'. An easy way to do this is to imagine there is a 'mile’ between the first letter and the last letter. This makes it the longest word in the world! TONY In the Guinness Book of Records, we can find some amazing stories about memory. For example, Gou Yanling from Harbin in China has memorized more than 15,000 telephone numbers, And Dave Farrow from America remembered the correct order of 2,704 playing cards, after seeing them just once. MLIE Memory is connected with our feelings. For example, if someone says ‘This is a spider’, and then puts a large spider on your hand, you will probably remember the word 'spider’! When something d____13_____ happens, we usually remember it wel


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