(英语毕业论文)《了不起的盖茨比》所表现的美国梦A Stylistlc Analysis on the Characters’ American Dream in The Great Gatsby.doc

(英语毕业论文)《了不起的盖茨比》所表现的美国梦A Stylistlc Analysis on the Characters’ American Dream in The Great Gatsby.doc

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摘 要 “美国梦”是贯穿美国历史,最能体现美国人的传统价值观念和民族精神的理想。是对平等、自由、进取和成功的理想主义信念。美国梦所体现出来的机会均等、人人都能通过自身的奋斗取得成功吸引着成千上万的人奔赴到这片热土。但是,20世纪20年代爵士时代的发言人司各特?菲茨杰拉德在他的经典之作《了不起的盖茨比》中却为世人反应出了一个看似光鲜实则堕落腐败的社会,展示了盖茨比梦想破灭, 象征着他所代表的那一代人的“美国梦”的幻灭。本文旨在通过运用文体学理论分析《了不起的盖茨比》中的人物特性及他们各自心中所追求的“美国梦”,最后探究美国梦破灭的根本原因。本文最后发现通过变换叙述视角,运用倒叙的时间性叙述,以及运用不同的叙述焦点将有助于展现美国梦的破灭这一主题。 关键词:美国梦 盖茨比 幻灭 文体学 A Stylistlc Analysis on the Characters’ American Dream in The Great Gatsby Abstract American Dream has penetrated during the whole American history, which greatly accentuates the ideal of traditional values and national spirit in the concept of American, which is also an idealistic belief of equality, freedom, progressiveness as well as success. That the chance are even, everyone could achieve success through his hard work which reflected in American dream attracts a myriad of immigrants abroad flooding into this promising land. However, the illustrious work The Great Gatsby of Scott Fitzgerald who is universally acknowledged as the spokesman of the 1920s Jazz Age of flaming youth has exhibited a rotten society under the guise of prosperity with the disillusion of the protagonist Gatsby’s American Dream, in effect, the disillusion of Gatsby’s American Dream is the disillusion of the American Dream of that whole generation. This thesis will adopt the theory of stylistics to make an analysis about the characters together with their American Dream in The Great Gatsby, and the fundamental reason procuring the disillusion of American Dream will be analyzed. The findings in this thesis reveal that the shift of point of view, flashback as the chronological sequencing and different descriptive focuses are helpfull in presenting the disillusionment of the American Dream. Key words: American Dream Gatsby Disillusion Stylistics Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 摘 要 1 Abstract 2 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Introduction of The Great Gatsby 4 1.1.1 Introduction to Scott Fitzgerald 4 1.1.2 Introduction to the Novel 5


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