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2018年海南省海口市海南振发学校高三英语联考试题 一、 选择题 1. ---______ you interrupt now? Can’t you see I’m on the phone? ---Sorry Sir, but it’s urgent. A. Can B. Should? ?? C. Must? D. Would 参考答案: C 2. The ceiling’s low,_____ you need to be careful not to hit your head. A.so B.but C.for D.or 参考答案: A 考点:连词/连接词。句意:天花板很低,因此你要当心,别碰着头。so表因果关系。故选A。 3. After the operation in hospital, he is gradually?????????? . ???????? A.turning over??????????? B.getting over??????????? C.taking over????????????? D.leaving over 参考答案: B 略 4. ________ opinions on the travel schedule for the next week, we finally came to an agreement. ? A. Having exchanged B. Exchanging C. Exchanged D. To exchange 参考答案: A 试题解析:句意:在交换了关于下周旅行时间的想法后,我们最终达成一直建议。Having done表“主动,完成”。故选A。 5. —Are there any areas that you feel not ____ in the book? —Sorry.I've no idea. A.produced???? B.filled??????????? C.referred????????? D. covered 参考答案: D 试题分析:考查单词辨析。句意:在这本书中你有理解的地方吗?covered有遮盖物的,引申意为不理解的。故选D。 【名师点睛】 英语词汇一词多义、一词多性现象非常普遍,这给学习造成了很大困难。考生只能多注意积累,或者对词义掌握的较为牢固,还是对考生的单词积累有要求。 6. Transport was considered to have contributed to environmental problems, particularly ________ air quality and noise impacts. A. with regard to? B. in contrast to? C. by means of? D. on account of 参考答案: A  7. It is difficult for one to _______ the manners of another world when he doesn’t know what they are. A. see to B. tend to C. amount to? D. subscribe to 参考答案: D 8. -- Tom, you are caught late again. -- Oh, ______. A. not at all ?????????????????????? B.that’s all right? ??????????? C. just my luck? ??????????????? D. never mind 参考答案: C 9. The report says there is,    , only one mental health care provider for every 100,000 people in poor and middle-income countries. A.on average B.in particular C.for instance D.in detail 参考答案: A 句意:该报告称在贫穷的和中等收入的国家中,平均每10万人只有一个心理健康服务者。on average"平均"符合句意。 10. —Will you come? ? —________you promise not to invite Mary. ????? A. As if???????? B. If only?????????? C. Only if?????? ??D. Even if 参考答案: C 11. If the


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