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Tyre Baisc Knowledge Training;目 录;What is a tire? 第一章 ;Tyre contribute to the car 轮胎对汽车的作用和贡献;用于制造轮胎的材料;The functions of the tir轮胎功能 第一节 ;Customers expectations 顾客的期望;The functions of the tire 轮胎的功能;The functions of the tire 负荷性能to carry a load ;The functions of the tire 负荷to carry a load;The functions of the tire 操纵to steer the vehicle (胎体耐曲桡、乘坐舒适、行驶安全性能);;The functions of the tire 操纵to steer the vehicle (乘坐舒适、行驶安全和胎体耐曲绕性能);压力均衡结构提供舒适驾乘和出色的磨耗性能; 轮胎内部主要的部件: 合理宽度的钢丝带束层和它的三角形组合有效地抵抗由于离心力产生的胎面变形确保接地面积的刚性,在高速情况下使轮胎更安全,寿命更长。;VERY HIGH PERFORMANCE 优异的性能 Speeds >240 km/h 速度>240公里/小时;32% grooves, for progressive reaction;;The functions of the tire 运载to transmit braking force and power output ;The functions of the tire to absorb (noise and mechanical vibration) 胎面花纹设计影响到噪音和吸震;WINTER PERFORMANCE 冬季性能;The functions of the tire 吸收to absorb (noise and mechanical vibration) ;The functions of the tire 减震to absorb (noise and mechanical vibration) ;The functions of the tire 减震to absorb (noise and mechanical vibration) ;The functions of the tire 减震to absorb (noise and mechanical vibration) ;The functions of the tire 减震to absorb (noise and mechanical vibration) ; 这项由米其林首创的,具有突破性的绿色技术仍然是轮胎行业的典范。一种特殊的配方,带来: 降低滚动阻抗,绿色环保技术提高了燃料的使用效率,但并不损失其它任何方面的性能 由于降低轮胎使用的工作温度,因此增强了耐久性 减少燃料消耗=减少环境污染;Silica 硅材料;胎冠部份 Crown (Tread) Area ;氣墊功能 Cushion Power;Dry and wet grip干湿抓地力;Tire arrange 轮胎分类 第二节; Tire arrange 轮胎分类 ;自行车轮胎?;Structure of a tire 轮胎结构 第三节;Structure of a tire cross-ply architecture 斜交结构;Structure of a tire cross-ply architecture 斜交轮胎的结构;Structure of a tire radial architecture 子午线轮胎的结构;子午线轮胎的结构;子午线轮胎的结构;Structure of a tire 0o belt & cross-ply architecture 带束斜交轮胎的结构;Less drift effect (漂移)滑移 ;当轮胎负载时;子午胎     负载实验  斜交胎  ;子午线轮胎;遇到障礙物時; 子午线轮胎优越的功能;第四节 子午线轮胎优越的功能来自优秀的结构设计 —— 部件位置的设计原理;米其林子午线轿车轮胎的结构示意图;NC;NC;FLUAGE;B59;MORE ABOUT ENDURANCE...;NSF, development of textile NST1 moustache;BT;;MORE ABOUT ENDURANCE…


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