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SAP-B1中国认证考试试题 EDUCITION SAP Business One 全球认证培训练习题 (中英双语) 2014-1-3 EDUCATIOH EDUCATIOH Business s One全球认证培训练习轆 目录 一、基础 一、基础 一、主数据 三、 采购流程 四、 销售流程 五、 运费(附加费用) 六、 拣配与包装 七、 单据生成向导 八、 单据 九、 采购与销售报表“ 错误!未定义书签。 12 15 18 21 23 24 25 29 十、标准业务流程及相关财务处理 30 十一、 十一、 库存报表 十四、 十四、 32 价格清单 33 计量单位 34 批次号和序列号 36 EBICATIOH' ?E ?i ■ i m Busin ess One 全球认证培训练习题 EMC ATM M ?E ?i ■ i m Busin ess One 全球认证培训练习题 、基础 下列哪个产品不是以中小型企业为目标客户的 Which of these products is NOT aimed at the SMB customer? mySAP All-i n-One SAP Bus in ess One mySAP Busi ness Suite C SAP B1的应用是使用的胖客户端.(C/S架构) The SAP Bus in ess One applicati on uses a fat clie nt. True False A (可支持远程、移动应用、将支持租用) 3.增强模块是随着SBO安装而自动安装的 The SAP Addons are automatically in stalled whe n the Busin ess One applicati on is in stalled. True False B (有些新的增强模块,将纳入到标准功能中,如 9.0中的固定资产) 针对中小型企业, SAP支持多少种产品线? How ma ny product lines does SAP support in the SMB Market Space? One Two Three Four C (高级(成熟)的中型企业: mySAP All-in-One ; 成长型的小型: SAP Busi ness One ; SAP Business ByDesign 基于云计算和 SAAS 模式的,针对中型企业) 下列哪个产品属于预配置解决方案的 Which of these products is a prec on figured versi on of the mySAP Busin ess Suite? SAP Busi ness One SAP All-I n-One SAP Must-Have-One B( A1是R3的行业预配置版) 6.专门的报表工具在 SAP Bussiness On中被称 作什么 6. What is the Ad-hoc ' report ing tool known as withi n SAP Bus in ess One? Drop & Alert Drag & Relate Drive & Attach 丢弃警报 拖放相关 驱动启动 D. Duck & Dive 闪避下潜 B 7.客户关系管理在SAP Bussiness On里面是一 个高度综合的功能 Customer Relati on ship Man ageme nt (CRM) is a highly in tegrated fun cti on with in SAP Busi ness One. True False A 8. SAP BusinessOne 有数据接口 DI API 和用户 接口 UI API SAP Busi ness One comes with a Data In terface API a nd User In terface API. True False A 点击下面哪个按钮可在登陆界面选择一个不 同的用户 Which one of the follow ing butt on n eeds to be pressed in the log in scree n (Choose Compa ny ) that allows you to select a differe nt user? New 新建公司 Change User更改用户 Refresh 刷新 B io 一旦登陆SAP BussinessOne,可以在用户界面 修改语言 Once logged into SAP Bus in ess On e, it is possible


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