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河南省信阳市学院师范附属中学2019-2020学年高一英语模拟试题 一、 选择题 1. Tom helped us settle down in this new city,???? is very kind of him. A. that?????????? B. it?????????????? C. which?????????? D. where 参考答案: C 略 2. ---Do you know when she _________? ---Sorry, I don’t. But I’ll let you know when she _________. A. comes, comes B. comes, will come C. will come, will come D. will come, comes 参考答案: D 3. He allowed us to hold a party in his room.His only_____was that we should keep the room clean. ?? A.position? ?????? B.situation? ?????? C.occasion? ????? D.condition 参考答案: D 4. -- Without your help, I wouldn’t have finished my work on time. Thank you very much! --?????? ???????? A. Don’t mention it.???? ?B Don’t say so.??? ?C It’s my duty.???? ? D. Don’t talk big. 参考答案: A 5. These sports were usually removed _____________they became less popular and had to make way for new more popular sports. A. because????????????????????????? B.though??????????????????? C. until??????????????????????? D. so that 参考答案: A 6. After the Anti-terrorist War, many American soldiers returned home,__________. A. safe but tired???? B. safely but tired?? C. safe and tiring?? D. safely and tiring 参考答案: A 7. Although the thief was careful, he was still observed_______ the shop last night and caught. A. steal into???????????????????? B. to steal into?? C. stolen into??????????????????? D. to be stealing into 参考答案: B 8. The agency was so impressed with her performance that they signed her _________. But she insisted on finishing high school so she could give her full attention to her acting career. A. on the spot ? B. to her advantage?? C. on the contrary? D. as a result 参考答案: A 9. – She’s upset for what you said. -- I ________________. A. don’t mean any harm?? B. didn’t mean to hurt her? C. don’t mean to hurt her??? D. didn’t mean hurting her 参考答案: B 【名师点睛】 英语单选题解题技巧 1、找准关键词语 有时题干中带有对解题起着关键作用的词语,如果能迅速找准这些词语,再结合各选项的意义和特点,就能很快选出正确答案。 2、分析句子结构 有些试题的考点本来十分简单,但命题者却通过使用定语从句,或者将我们熟悉的固定词组有意拆分,重新组合,使我们在结构上产生错觉,出现迷惑。这


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