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论缔约过失责任 摘 要:自德国学者耶林提出缔约过失责任理论后,产生了极其深远的影响。许多民法学者对这 一理论作了完善和发展,大多数国家的立法和判例都采纳和借鉴了缔约过失责任制度。缔约过失责任作 为一种独立的请求权和债的发生原因,与不当得利、无因管理、侵权行为和合同共同构成债的体系,法 律设定缔约过失责任旨在弥补违约责任和侵权责任调整范围以外的先合同义务的漏洞。我国合同法中缔 约过失责任制度已得到正式确立,这对于促成交易和维护交易安全具有重大的现实意义和实践意义 本文首先从缔约过失责任的历史沿革进行了考察,比较世界各主要国家或地区相关理论和立法, 摸索缔约过失责任的发展规律。其次又对缔约过失责任的概念进行分析,论述了其理论依据为诚实信用 原则,并对其构成要件进行了阐述和分析,对缔约过失责任与违约责任、侵权责任进行了比较分析,旨 在从本质上准确把握缔约过失责任与违约责任、侵权责任的区别。然后又对缔约过失的赔偿范围,进行 了分类研究,多角度、多方位理解和把握缔约过失责任,从而在实践中正确运用这一制度。在此基础上, 最后本文对我国缔约过失责任的立法现状进行反思,提出了进一步完善我国缔约过失责任的立法设想和 建议,即在合同法中应科学界定先合同义务;应明确将过失也纳入缔约过失责任的主观范畴;应恰当地 界定缔约过失责任的赔偿范围等 关键词:缔约过失责任; 诚实信用原则; 损害赔偿;信赖利益;侵权责任 Discuss The Liabilities For Wrongs In Conclusion Of A Contract Abstract :After Jhering,the German scholar put forward the theories of liabilities for wrongs in conclusion of a contract, it produced the very important and profound influence.Many civil scholars made the theories more perfect and developed.The majority of countries and regions in the world also adopted it. As an independent claim and a reason for debt, it makes up the system of obligation with officiousin termeddle,unjust enrichment,in flicted injuries and breach of contract together. The aim of setting up the liabilities for wrongs in which can of a contract is to make up for the loopholes of the obligation in pre-contract,not be adjusted by liability for breach of contract and inflicted liability. The system of liabilities for wrongs in conclusion of a contract has got the formality establishment in Laws of Contract of our country. This has great realistic and practical meaning in promoting bargain and supporting the safety of trade. First,this essay investigates the history origin and compares the theories and the lawmaking in the main nations and regions in the world,strives to grope for the developmental regulation. Second, this essay analyzes its concept ,discusses that its theoreti


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